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Executive Summary
Section 2
     Section 3
     Section 4
     Section 5
     Section 6
     Section 7
Strategy Profiles
1 Land use
     2 Bicycle/Pedestrian
     3 Bicycle/Pedestrian
     4 Bicycle/Pedestrian
     5 Travel Demand
     6 Travel Demand
     7 Transit
     8 Transit
     9 Transit
     10 Transit
     11 Roadway
     12 Roadway
     13 Goods Movement
     14 Roadway
     15 Roadway
     16 Roadway




updated 11/05/99

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The Route 1 Corridor Collaborative Study was the culmination of an unprecedented collaborative effort by people who care about their communities and want to make them better. Through the transportation and land use improvements recommended in the final report we, the Route 1 Collaborative, hope to achieve real change in the way people travel – whether it be to work, for shopping or just visiting a friend – by creating a sustainable transportation system that offers real transportation choices.

The final report is a living document…one that can grow and change as we move ahead with our implementation plan. It was clear that with such an ambitious undertaking as the Route 1 Corridor Collaborative Study, we could not possibly address all the needs in the corridor through this single effort. Though we believe our plan will improve shopping travel in the corridor, we can do more for the shopping public…while our plan supports initiatives of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority to bring trucks back to the Turnpike, we can do more to enhance goods movement. We want the citizens of northern Middlesex County to know we are committed to do more.

The information presented in this website represents only a portion of the total collaborative experience…we welcome you to contact Mr. John C. Allen of the New Jersey Department of Transportation if you have any questions or want more information.

Executive Summary
Building of the Route 1Collaborative

     Section 2

Corridor Selection Process
Consensus Building Process
Route 1 Corridor Planning Process

     Section 3
Study Tasks
TASK 1 Define Committee Structure, Interaction and Project Management
TASK 2 - Design and Implement a Public Participation Program
TASK 3 - Refine the Study Area
TASK 4 - Collect and Inventory Transportation and Land Use Data
TASK 5 - Identify and Narrow the Scope of Problems to be Resolved
TASK 6 - Establish Overall Goals & Objectives
TASK 7 - Establish Performance Measures
TASK 8 - Develop a Baseline for Current and Future Trends
TASK 9 - Identify, Analyze and Evaluate Strategies
TASK 10 - Develop a Promotional Plan
TASK 11 - Develop an Implementation Plan
TASK 12 - Develop a Guidance Package
TASK 13 - Independent Review Process

Study Phases and Time Frames

Phase I: Start-up and Data Collection and Outreach Planning (March to May 1996)
Phase II: Technical Development and Task Integration (June to September 1996)
Phase III: Strategy Selection, Testing and Evaluation (October 1996 to May 1997)
Phase IV: Preparation for Post-study Marketing and Implementation (February 1996 to June 1997)
Public Involvement and Outreach
Plan Development
Outreach Techniques & Timing

     Section 4
Strategy Determination Process
Problems and Causes
Performance Measures

     Section 5
Strategy Screening and Selection
Strategy Evaluation Process
Modeling Protocol
Growth Forecast and Allocation to the Prototypical Areas
Strategy Specifications
The Corridor Plan

     Section 6
Evaluating the Results and Agreeing to a Plan
Some Lessons Learned

     Section 7
Next Steps
Restructuring of the Collaborative
Strategy Profiles
Promotional Plan
Public Involvement Activities and Media Outlets

Strategy Profiles
     Strategy 1
Land Use / Concentrated High-Density / Mixed Land Use
     Strategy 2 Bicycle / Pedestrian / Bicycle Network
     Strategy 3 Bicycle / Pedestrian / Pedestrian Crossing
     Strategy 4 Bicycle / Pedestrian / Sidewalk & Shoulder
     Strategy 5 Travel Demand Management / Commuter Options Smart                             Moves
     Strategy 6 Travel Demand Management / Cashing - Out of Parking
     Strategy 7 Transit / Increased Transit Frequency
     Strategy 8 Transit / Institute New Transit Routes
     Strategy 9 Transit / Metro Park Loop
     Strategy 10
     Strategy 11 Roadway / Incident Management Techniques
     Strategy 12 Roadway / Computer Controlled Signal Systems
     Strategy 13 Roadway / Goods Movement / NJ Turnpike "Truck                               Friendly" Policies
     Strategy 14 Roadway / Access Management Program
     Strategy 15 Roadway / Improving Intersection Function
     Strategy 16 Roadway / improving Roadway Function