Department of Transportation

Specified Safety Program

Non-infrastructure projects to improve awareness about safety issues through safety campaigns, safety-related research necessary to resolve safety problems, equipment supporting emergency services, and projects protecting children. Program areas may include the following:

Public Awareness Campaigns
Projects that promote awareness and inform the public about highway safety (including safety for motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, individuals with disabilities, and other road users regarding matters).
Enforcement of Safety Laws:
Projects that facilitate enforcement of traffic safety laws.
Equipment Supporting Emergency Services:
Projects that provide infrastructure and infrastructure-related equipment to support emergency services.
Projects that conduct safety-related research to evaluate experimental safety countermeasures or equipment.
Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Activities:
Projects encouraging walking and bicycling to school such as: public awareness campaigns and outreach; traffic education and enforcement; student education; and funding for training, volunteers, and managers of safe routes to school.
Last updated date: August 20, 2024 1:06 PM