NJDOT to announce‘Smart Moves for Business’
Program will promote alternative commutes
New Jersey Transportation Commissioner John J. Haley, Jr. will join business leaders at Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters in New Brunswick tomorrow to announce Smart Moves for Business, a voluntary program designed to reduce rush hour traffic volumes by promoting alternative commuting.
The event will begin at 10 A.M. at Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters (located on Johnson Drive at Routes 27 & 18 in New Brunswick), and last approximately one hour.
Smart Moves encourages employers to promote alternative employee commuting, including car and van pools, teleworking, staggered work hours, public transit, biking and walking. Tax credits and challenge grants are available to businesses participating in the program.
NJDOT staff and representatives of companies that are already participating in Smart Moves for Business will be available tomorrow to answer questions about the program.