Army Corps Approves Permit
for A.C./Brigantine Connector Project
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) today announced that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved a permit application for the A.C./Brigantine Connector project.
"This approval is a major step forward for a project that has substantial and positive transportation and economic impacts on citizens throughout New Jersey, particularly those who work or reside in the greater Southern Jersey region," said Transportation Commissioner John J. Haley Jr.
"Today’s Army Corps decision bodes well for the project and keeps it on schedule for construction to begin this fall," said SJTA Executive Director James A. Crawford.
Other permits are still required before construction can begin. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is currently reviewing applications for various permits, including those required under the Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA).
Haley and Crawford noted that economic growth in the Atlantic City region took another big step forward this week when Mirage Resorts reached agreement with Harrah’s for a land exchange that could pave the way for a major expansion of Harrah’s casino and yesterday’s announcement of a joint venture between Mirage Resorts and Boyd Gaming Corp. for the construction of casinos on the H-tract.
The casino/hotel companies have agreed to work together to enhance the appeal of the Atlantic City marina district with a new level of entertainment and services needed for Atlantic City to continue to grow as a powerful economic engine for New Jersey.