NJDOT Launches New Website to Help Commuters
Looking for a way to share a ride to work? How about finding a park-and-ride lot near you? Interested in learning more about bicycle commuting or having your workplace develop a ridesharing program? Need information about road construction or public transit schedules?
Look no further than http://www.njcommuter.com, a new web page developed by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to provide commuters with convenient and comprehensive information about improvements to mobility around the state.
"I feel strongly that the public have accessible information about travel in New Jersey. This site has been designed to provide commuters with information that will make their daily treks easier. From ridesharing information to how to take advantage of HOV lanes to biking to work, there is assistance for every mode of travel at this site. I encourage everyone to visit us at njcommuter.com often," said Transportation Commissioner John J. Haley, Jr.
The site includes material on:
Biking and walking -- including safety tips, bike trail locations and events.
Ridesharing benefits -- including a commuter calculator to figure out ridesharing savings, a park and ride locator and how to register for a ridesharing partner on-line.
Smart Moves for Business program -- Through njcommuter.com register for the program on-line and learn about companies that have implemented successful programs at their worksites. Smart Moves for Business encourages employers to promote alternative employee commuting, including car and van pools, teleworking, staggered work hours, public transit, biking and walking. Tax credits and challenge grants are available to businesses participating in the program
Visitors to njcommuter.com can also find basic information about High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on Routes 80 and 287, as well as NJDOT road construction updates and train and bus schedules from NJ Transit. njcommuter.com will also be linked to the NJDOT’s home page at http://www.state.nj.us/transportation and the home pages of the state’s nine Transportation Management Associations.