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news release

Contact: Jim Berzok
RELEASE: September 11, 1998

New Jersey Proclaims September as Ridesharing Month

In an effort to encourage more New Jersey motorists to "double-up" on the roads, Governor Christie Whitman has proclaimed September as "Ridesharing Month." Throughout the month, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) will be encouraging motorists to carpool and try alternate modes of transportation.

"Ridesharing saves commuters time, money and frustration," said Transportation Commissioner John J. Haley Jr. "It helps the environment at the same time too. We ask that people give ridesharing a try, even if it’s only one day a week, it can make a difference for all of New Jersey." Several local governments have also issued their own Ridesharing Month proclamations, Haley added. A list is attached.

In order to make it even easier for commuters to find a rideshare partner, the Department has posted a ridesharing application on their new website - https://nj-dot.nj.gov/transportation/commuter/. People who live or work in New Jersey can be matched with a rideshare partner with the click of a button. Visit the website and see if you have a potential match.

NJDOT has also embarked on a promotional campaign to encourage alternative forms of commuting such as ridesharing, using mass transit, and vanpooling. Thirty-second television commercials began airing on local cable during this week. A 60-second radio commercial promoting ridesharing will air throughout the fall.

More information on ridesharing and other forms of alternative commuting can be obtained through the NJDOT by calling 1-800-245-POOL or by going on line to https://nj-dot.nj.gov/transportation/commuter/.

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