September Proclaimed Ridesharing Month
Acting Gov. Donald T. DiFrancesco has proclaimed September as "Ridesharing Month" in New Jersey in an effort to encourage motorists to consider other modes of travel.
"September is one of the busiest months on our roads. Commuters are back from summer vacation and buses are back taking our children to and from school," acting Gov. DiFrancesco said. "Congestion is frustrating and wastes our time. One way we can help relieve the congestion on our roads is to rideshare, even if only for one day a week, or use public transit when possible. It can make a difference."
"Sharing a ride or using public transit also means less driving-related stress, a cleaner environment and less money spent on maintaining your vehicle," said Transportation Commissioner James Weinstein, who noted that the New Jersey Department of Transportation will help individuals or groups search for ridesharing partners.
The NJDOT posts ridesharing applications on its website - People who live or work in New Jersey can be matched with a ridesharing partner by filling out the application and submitting it to the NJDOT.
In addition, the state's nine Transportation Management Associations (TMAs), organizations that work to improve traffic mobility in the state, are working with the NJDOT to promote carpooling, vanpooling and public transit to the business community and general public.
More information on ridesharing and other forms of alternative commuting can be obtained through the NJDOT by calling 1-800-245-POOL or by going on-line to