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news release

P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ

Contact: Erin Phalon

RELEASE: December 01, 2008


Governor Corzine offers incentives for carpoolers Initiative provides up to $200 per carpool to offset fuel costs


(Trenton) - Governor Jon S. Corzine today announced new incentives to form carpools through NJDOT’s Carpooling Makes Sense program. In order to provide relief from high fuel costs, the State of New Jersey will expanding its ridesharing and carpool benefits by offering $150 and $200 gasoline cards for new carpools with more than two participants.

"In order to reduce congestion, relieve commuters from fuel costs and improve air quality, NJDOT will provide gas cards in amounts up to $200 for New Jersey commuters who form new carpools,” said Governor Jon S. Corzine. “I encourage commuters to take advantage of these benefits by starting a new carpool.”

Introduced in May 2006, the Carpooling Makes Sense program originally provided $500,000 for individual $100 debit cards to be used for gasoline purchases by new registered carpool participants. Although only two people are needed to form a carpool, increasing the number of passengers reduces overall commuting costs. The new, enhanced program provides commuters with an added incentive to participate in the “Carpooling Makes Sense” program by forming carpools consisting of three or more participants.

Under the Carpooling Makes Sense program, a group must carpool together at least 24 days in a two-month period in order to obtain a gas card. Carpools consisting of two people will remain eligible for a $100 gas card. New carpools consisting of three participants will now be eligible for a $150 gas card, and new carpools of four or more participants will be eligible for a $200 gas card.

Ridesharing can save fuel costs even when used on a limited basis. The average midsize-car driver paying $3 per gallon for gasoline can save approximately $15 a week by ridesharing only one day a week to work. That generates an annual savings of over $700. The same driver could save over $70 per week by ridesharing five days a week to work, leading to a savings of approximately $3,500 over the course of a year. Ridesharing also reduces toll costs, vehicle depreciation and traffic congestion, increases parking capacity and air quality, and conserves energy.

New Jersey residents can obtain further information regarding ridesharing, commuting and mass transit alternatives by calling 1-800-245-POOL or visiting https://nj-dot.nj.gov/transportation/commuter/


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  Last Updated:  December 1, 2008