Route 29 bridge to be replaced over
the Wickecheoke Creek in Delaware Township
Staged construction will keep the highway open to motorists
with alternating traffic patterns
(Trenton) - NJDOT officials today announced a project to replace the Route 29 bridge over the Wickecheoke Creek in Delaware Township, Hunterdon County. The at-grade bridge is located on Route 29 between the intersections with CR 519 to the north and Worman Road to the south.
The $1.6 million, federally-funded project will replace the existing structurally-deficient bridge deck and beams over Wickecheoke Creek with new precast concrete beams and a cast-in-place concrete deck, along with new parapets and some minor substructure repairs. In addition, Route 29 will be reconstructed and repaved from just south of Worman Road (at milepost 22.99) to just north of CR 519 (at milepost 23.03) and new guide rails will be installed.
Next weekend, NJDOT’s contractor, Kyle Conti Construction, is scheduled to close the northbound half of the bridge for reconstruction and shift all traffic onto the southbound side. Based on weather conditions, the shift is expected to be implemented on either Friday night, November 8 or Saturday, November 9. This stage is anticipated to last for approximately six months at which time the contractor will then close the southbound half of the bridge and shift all traffic onto the rebuilt northbound side.
A public information center was held October 30 to provide interested residents with the opportunity to review exhibits of the project, ask questions and discuss issues with representatives.
Route 29 carries one 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction over the bridge with 3-foot shoulders. NJDOT has designed the bridge deck replacement work to be performed in stages, closing one side of the bridge for reconstruction at a time with all traffic shifted onto the other half of the bridge. Traffic on Route 29 will be maintained in both directions over the bridge utilizing alternating traffic patterns, controlled by temporary traffic signals that will be installed at either end of the bridge. The temporary signal located north of the bridge will be phased to accommodate traffic entering onto Route 29 southbound from CR 519.
Dynamic message signs will be deployed on Route 29 to alert motorists to all upcoming traffic pattern changes. NJDOT anticipates the project reaching completion in early 2015.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic information website for real-time travel information.