Route 9 overnight closures for
resurfacing project in Cape May County
Temporary lane and ramp closures
in Middle and Lower Townships
(Trenton) - The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced overnight lane, ramp, and shoulder closures on Route 9 northbound and southbound for approximately nine miles for milling and paving work in Cape May County.
Beginning at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16 and continuing through the winter of 2015, NJDOT’s contractor, South State, Inc. is scheduled to temporarily close single lanes, ramps, and shoulders along Route 9 beginning near Route 109 in Lower Township to Egret Trail in Middle Township. The repaving project is a moving operation that will take place between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. Vehicles attempting to take ramps within the project limits will at times be required to use a detour during the hours of construction.
- During periods of construction, traffic on Route 9 northbound and southbound between Crest Haven Road (CR609), and Shell Bay Avenue may be directed onto the Garden State Parkway between Exits 9, 10, and 11 for approximately one-mile and then redirected back onto Route 9 with signage and message boards.
The Route 9 Resurfacing Project in Cape May County is a $6.1 million federally-funded project expected to be completed by winter 2015. NJDOT has designed the resurfacing work to be performed as a moving operation, closing only one lane of the roadway at a time, allowing for traffic flow through the area to minimize impact to motorists.
Variable message signs and detour signs are being utilized throughout the project limits to provide advance notification to motorists of all traffic pattern changes associated with the resurfacing project. Throughout the project, NJDOT will provide information before upcoming road or ramp closures.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT's traffic information website for real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info.