Route 34 and CR 537 road closure and detour required to implement traffic shift as project advances in Monmouth County
Traffic shift marks construction midpoint on Route 34 and CR 537
(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced that the Route 34 and County Route 537 intersection improvements and bridge replacements project in Colts Neck, Monmouth County, will require a temporary road closure, detour and traffic shifts as the project advances.
Beginning at 9 p.m. tonight, Friday, May 10, until 7:00 a.m. Saturday, May 11, Monmouth County’s contractor Rencor, Inc., is scheduled to temporarily close and detour CR 537 between Route 34 and Heyers Mill Road. Traffic on Route 34 northbound will be shifted to the right onto the newly constructed roadway, and Route 34 southbound will be shifted to the left. Route 34 will have one lane of traffic in each direction.
The traffic shift will allow for the demolition and reconstruction of the west side of Route 34 and the Route 34 bridge and CR 537 bridge over Mine Brook. This configuration is anticipated to remain in place until spring 2020. The following detours will be in place.
Route 537 eastbound detour between Heyers Mill Road and Route 34
- Motorists on Route 537 eastbound will be directed to turn left onto Heyers Mill Road
- Turn right onto Merchants Way and back to Route 34
Route 537 westbound detour between Heyers Mill Road and Route 34
- Motorists on Route 537 westbound will be directed to turn right onto Route 34
- Turn left onto Merchants Way
- Turn left onto Heyers Mill Road
- Turn right onto Route 537 westbound
The New Jersey Department of Transportation Local Aid Office awarded Monmouth County $17.5 million in federal funding for the Route 34 and CR 537 intersection improvements and bridge replacements project in 2017. The intersection of Route 34 and County Route 537 services regional and local traffic and is a major access route to Route 18, located south of the intersection. This project will address operational concerns at the intersection and the poor condition of the two bridges that carry Route 34 and Route 537 over Mine Brook respectively. Construction began in December 2017 and is expected to be completed by the end of summer 2020.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic information website for construction updates and real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info or on the NJDOT Facebook page. Please note, the NJDOT Communications office has a new phone number – 609.963.1975