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news release

P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Mairin Bellack
Judy Drucker
RELEASE: August 06, 2019

Route 22 Intersection Improvements project at the I-78 Logistics Park begins in Warren County

Lane shifts and shoulder closure required to begin work

(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced the start of the Route 22 Intersection Improvements project at I-78 Logistics Park in Lopatcong and Phillipsburg, Warren County.

The project will provide roadway improvements, including access from Route 22 to the I-78 Logistics Park, which is currently under development. The I-78 Logistics Park property redevelopment plan repurposes a defunct manufacturing facility into an active warehouse.

Work begun on Monday, August 5 and will continue for approximately one month. The development  contractor, Petillo Inc., will shift Route 22 eastbound to the left and close the right shoulder creating two 11-foot travel lanes, beginning at 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for the duration of the project. The shift allows for excavation and drainage work to begin.  

The Route 22 Intersection Improvements project at I-78 Logistics Park is a developer-funded and constructed project that redevelops an abandoned property into 4.2 million square feet of warehouse and logistics space. The project site is located adjacent to the intersection of Routes 57 and 22 and is subject to oversight by NJDOT and local municipalities.

Two access-point improvements into the I-78 Logistics Park are included in the plan. The first point realigns Lock Street providing access from Route 22 westbound onto a newly built road, Rand Boulevard; currently, access from Lock Street is only available on Route 22 eastbound. A new signalized intersection will be added, just west of Lock Street, and the

Route 22 westbound approach will be widened to include two left turn lanes into the Park. The turn lanes will accommodate large truck traffic.
Route 22 eastbound will remain two lanes and two right turn lanes into the park will be added. Traffic from the park will have two left turn lanes onto Route 22 westbound and two right turn lanes to Route 22 eastbound.

The improvements project will also require drainage, curb, widening, milling, paving, striping, markings, and a new signalized intersection with turn slots. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

The second access-point improvement will require replacing a small bridge on the Park property and improving the signalized intersection at Third Street and Route 22. Route 22 will remain three lanes in each direction but a left turn lane from Third Street to both eastbound and westbound directions will be added. Also, a straight and right turn lane from Third Street to Route 22 will be added. No large trucks will be allowed to access this intersection into the park. Trucks will be required to use Rand Blvd. This work is not expected to begin until spring of 2020 and be completed sometime in the same year.

Variable message signs are being used throughout the project. The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT's traffic information website www.511nj.org for real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info and on the NJDOT Facebook page.

Please note, the NJDOT Communications Office has a new phone number – 609-963-1975.

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  Last Updated:  August 7, 2019