FY 2012 - 2021 Statewide
Introductiona. OverviewThis document is the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for the State of New Jersey for federal fiscal years 2012 (beginning October 1, 2011) through 2021.The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) serves two purposes. First, it presents a comprehensive, one-volume guide to major transportation improvements planned in the State of New Jersey. The STIP is a valuable reference for implementing agencies (such as the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Transit Corporation) and all those interested in transportation issues in this state. Second, it serves as the reference document required under federal regulations (23 CFR 450.216) for use by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration in approving the expenditure of federal funds for transportation projects in New Jersey. Federal legislation requires that each state develop one multimodal STIP for all areas of the state. In New Jersey, the STIP consists of a listing of statewide line items and programs, as well as the regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects, all of which were developed by the three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). The TIPs contain local and state highway projects, statewide line items and programs, as well as public transit and authority sponsored projects. This STIP conforms to, and in many cases exceeds, the specific requirements of the federal regulations:
b. Asset Management PolicySince January of 2008, the NJDOT has had in effect an Asset Management policy. This policy is the official, institutional approach to managing infrastructure assets and making capital investment decisions.This approach serves to support and complement the 10 year Capital Investment Strategy, the 10-year Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, the annual Transportation Capital Program, and the biennial Study and Development Program. NJDOT recognizes that there are ever-increasing challenges to funding transportation improvements. Asset Management offers an alternative to focusing solely on problem spots or worst conditions. NJDOT defines Asset Management as the systematic process of maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost-effectively. NJDOT will utilize an Asset Management approach to operate, preserve and improve New Jersey’s infrastructure assets, focusing on roads, bridges and culverts, facilities, and equipment. An Asset Management approach will also be utilized for investments in safety and congestion-reduction. c. Public participation processNew Jersey is completely covered by three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs): the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO), and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority Inc. (NJTPA). The STIP incorporates the three MPO Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) without modification.Each MPO has a public participation process for their Transportation Plan, TIP and conformity determination. The state makes copies of the STIP available for each MPO public meeting and representatives from the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT are present to answer questions and concerns raised by the public on the programs. The public comment period for each MPO TIP and the STIP runs for a period of 30 days. d. Statewide Transportation PlanThe Federal Statewide Planning Rule requires that the STIP contain projects consistent with the statewide long-range transportation plan. New Jersey’s statewide plan, Transportation Choices 2030, was prepared and made available to the public in October 2008 and submitted to FHWA and FTA in January 2010, following public review and addressing comments.The NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT collaborated to prepare the Long Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Choices 2030. The agencies conducted extensive public outreach and inter-agency coordination along with technical assessments to examine the state’s transportation system; describe a vision for the future; identify goals, objectives, strategies and actions; identify needs and resources; and develop a set of potential performance indicators to identify success at achieving the goals and objectives of the plan. Results of the work have been posted on the www.njchoices.com website so it can be an easily accessible source of information on the development of the Long Range Plan, as well as a way for the public to offer comments on the Long Range Transportation Plan to the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT. Transportation Choices 2030 provided the foundation for development of the FY 2012-2021 Statewide Capital Investment Strategy (SCIS) that shaped the investment priorities for this STIP. The SCIS functions as an instrument that links the long range transportation plan to the 10-year capital plan (STIP) by connecting broad goals to specific investment choices. Within the context of an asset management approach, the SCIS guides the selection of projects and programs to shrink the backlog of deficiencies and to improve the condition of the transportation system to achieve the best possible performance. Thus, both the SCIS and STIP serve as mechanisms to achieve the vision of the long range transportation plan and therefore the projects and programs in the STIP are consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan - Transportation Choices 2030. e. Conformity for MPO plans and programsEach MPO Regional Transportation Plan will go through a conformity analysis to demonstrate that each MPO Plan conforms to the State Implementation Plan (SIP). Each MPO TIP must be consistent with their conforming plan such that the regional emission analysis performed on the plan applies to their TIP. This determination means that the implementation of projects and programs in the MPO TIPs will have a positive impact in the aggregate on air quality. Since the STIP contains the three MPO TIPs without modification, the implementation of the STIP, in aggregate, will also have a positive impact on air quality.f. Advance construction projectsAdvance Construction (AC) is a procedure to advance a federally funded project phase into the current fiscal year and implement it with other than federal funds. Use of AC is subject to the availability of other than federal funds (e.g., state funds) in the year in which the project is to be implemented, and the availability of federal funds in the year in which the AC project is to be converted to a regular federal-aid project. AC projects are to be listed individually in the TIP and STIP in both the year that the project is to be implemented and the year in which the conversion is to take place. Appropriate notification will be provided in the TIPs and STIP so it is clearly understood that these “other funds” are available and that future federal funds may be committed to these AC projects. Fiscal constraint must be maintained throughout this process for both the implementing and conversion years.When AC is used in the development of the TIP/STIP, or to amend or modify the TIP/STIP, the MPO and the state will explain the procedure following the public participation procedures adopted by the MPO. The MPO and the state agree that in the development and processing of the TIP/STIP, the inclusion of an AC project in the TIP/STIP in the year the project is to be implemented signifies that the project can be converted to federal funding when federal funds become available and the decision is made to convert. g. Multi-Year FundingMulti-year funding is an innovative financing technique to program and authorize only that portion of a given project phase necessary to support reimbursement of planned cash outlays for a given year. Remaining portions of the project phase are programmed in subsequent years. In the first fiscal year of funding for a multi-year funded phase of work, the NJDOT will only seek federal authorization for that portion of the federal funds shown in that fiscal year in the STIP. The remaining balance of funds for that particular phase of work will appear in the STIP in the fiscal year the NJDOT intends to request Federal authorization for the remaining funds needed for continuation/completion of the phase/project. Each multi-year federal funded project will be submitted to FHWA with the condition that authorization to proceed is not a commitment or obligation to provide federal funds for that portion of the undertaking not fully funded herein. Fiscal constraint will be maintained at all times throughout this process.In the event that sufficient federal funding is not available in any fiscal year to complete a multi-year funded phase of work, the NJDOT will take full responsibility to fund that portion of the phase of work in accordance with applicable Federal and New Jersey State law. In the event that State or other funding would not be available to complete a project, the project may be terminated or placed on hold until such time as funding is made available and the NJDOT would need to comply with applicable Federal and New Jersey State law, including, where applicable, providing a revised air quality conformity determination to FHWA/FTA and reimbursing FHWA/FTA for any federal funds expended on the project. Table 11 shows current fiscal year and future fiscal year funding needed to complete multi-year federally funded highway projects. Table 12 shows current fiscal year and future fiscal year funding needed to complete multi-year state funded highway projects. The individual project STIP pages contain specific information for these projects such as a detailed project description, project funding source and a total estimated project cost. Table 13 shows current fiscal year and future year funding and the estimated total funding needed to complete federal equipment lease payments for transit projects. h. Development of the STIPThis Statewide Transportation Improvement Program is the product of months of staff work and deliberations involving the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), the New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT), county and municipal transportation planners and engineers, other transportation implementing agencies, the public and elected officials at the state, county, and municipal levels. The main decision-making forums for selecting projects for this program were the state’s three metropolitan planning organizations:
All projects that were identified as potential candidates for inclusion in the regional transportation improvement programs of each of the three MPOs were subjected to intensive screening to verify project scope, status, schedule, and cost. The resulting “pool” of projects was analyzed independently by NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, and the MPOs to assign each project a priority based on the extent to which it would advance identified regional and statewide objectives, such as objectives set forth in the state and regional long-range transportation plans, the New Jersey Capital Investment Strategy, air quality objectives, and the broad social and economic goals of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan. NJDOT developed and circulated revenue projections for planning purposes to each of the MPOs, based on the best current assessment of available state, federal, and other funds. NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT and each of the three MPOs entered into intensive discussions to negotiate a list of deliverable transportation projects that best fit the composite statewide and regional priorities within a financially constrained program. These negotiated project lists were used as the basis for publishing the Fiscal Year 2012 Proposed Transportation Capital Program by NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT on March 24, 2011, and for preparing TIPs for further analysis by each of the MPOs. i. Congestion Management SystemAll projects in this STIP that will result in a significant increase in carrying capacity for single occupant vehicles result from a fully operational Congestion Management Process in place at each MPO.j. STIP Modifications and AmendmentsThe STIP may be modified or amended at anytime according to the procedures set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for TIP/STIP changes between the three MPOs, NJ TRANSIT, and the NJDOT. These MOUs were fully executed between August of 2006 and June of 2007. STIP changes, once approved by the MPOs in concert with either NJ TRANSIT or the NJDOT, are forwarded to the FHWA and/or FTA for their approval, when necessary.k. Non-Federal MatchToll Credit l. Financial planFederal law and regulations require that the STIP be fiscally constrained for the first four years. Specifically, “planned federal aid expenditures” cannot exceed “projected revenues.” The major sources of funding identified in this document are the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ). NJDOT and its transportation planning partners (NJ TRANSIT, North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization, Federal Highway Administration, and Federal Transit Administration) have developed an estimate of $13.1 billion in available state, other and federal revenues to support the state’s transportation budget during the four fiscal years from FY 2012 through FY 2015. (For planning purposes, state revenues are estimated on the basis of state fiscal years, which begin on July 1, and federal revenues are estimated on the basis of federal fiscal years, which begin on October 1.) In addition, NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT have incorporated an additional six years of constrained resources into the 10-year STIP. The 10-year total is estimated to be $31.8 billion. This amount constitutes the funding expected to be available to support the whole FY 2012-FY 2021 STIP. These revenue estimates were developed cooperatively by NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, and New Jersey’s three MPOs, with full consultation with FHWA and FTA, in a meeting on January 20, 2011.Tables 1 through 5 set out these amounts by year and by funding category and compare them to the actual amounts programmed in the TIPs and STIP. Following are the revenue assumptions used in developing this table:
It should also be noted that the State of New Jersey annually appropriates approximately $75 million to NJDOT for operation and maintenance purposes. These funds are adequate for maintenance and operation of the system. In addition, both federal and state funds are allocated to NJDOT’s operations and maintenance forces for betterments to the system. The State of New Jersey has shown a significant commitment to public transportation through operating support from the state’s general fund. Since the inception of NJ TRANSIT, the state has contributed over $6.8 billion of operating assistance, almost $3.0 billion in the last 10 years alone. During this last 10-year period, the state also has chosen to supplement that operating assistance with over $1 billion of funding allocated to transportation operations from the state’s general fund contribution to the Transportation Trust Fund. This TTF contribution to operations is approximately $103.2 million annually, and represents a continued strong commitment from the state to fund public transportation. The following table below details those projects for FY 2012.
With two notable exceptions, federal and state funds are not “allocated” to—that is, required to be spent within the boundaries of—the state’s three MPOs. The first exception is STP funds, some of which are required under a formula in federal regulations to be allocated to MPOs. These allocated funds are shown in the following tables as “STP-NJTPA,” “STP-DVRPC,” and “STP-SJTPO.” The second exception is Trust Fund state aid funds, which are allocated on a county-by-county basis under a statutory and regulatory formula. The actual budgeting of federal and state funds for projects within the MPO areas is a product of the development of the three regional transportation improvement programs, the statewide transportation improvement program, and legislative approval of the annual capital program. On a statewide basis, the cost of projects programmed for a particular fiscal year must equal the planned resources for that year. Each project must also be assigned to a funding category that is appropriate for the project and within which adequate funding is available. From year to year there may be significant variations in the amount of funds actually programmed within an MPO area, as needs and specific project implementation schedules dictate. These programming decisions are made on a cooperative basis with the participation of NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, local government representatives, and other agencies (all of whom are members of the MPOs), the State Legislature, citizens’ groups, and the general public. For the purpose of defining a project line item estimate in the STIP, each item includes an estimate of independent contractor costs to produce the project, an estimate of implementing agency costs anticipated in support of the development and delivery of the project, and any other payments to third parties in matters of right-of-way and utility relocations. The implementing agency costs include activities such as inspection, testing and equipment along with salary costs. The current STIP and Capital Program provides funding for NJDOT employee salaries, leave and fringe benefits, overhead, and other administrative costs which benefit the development and delivery of the transportation highway program. This funding is provided from both Federal-aid and NJ Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) sources and these funds are allocated for multi-year and previously authorized project costs. Federal-aid in support of NJDOT employee and administrative costs is programmed on an individual project basis, while TTF is programmed as a single item under the heading of Program Implementation Costs, NJDOT. The NJTTF commitment to NJDOT employee costs and administrative expenses for FY 2012 of the STIP is established at $102 million. The Federal-aid commitment to these NJDOT costs and expenses is not disclosed within individual STIP line items, but the NJDOT estimates the annual commitment of Federal funds to be $105 million for FY 2012. Table 6 shows the overall distribution of funds within the STIP by MPO. Tables 7 through 10 provide detailed breakdowns of expenditures by funding category for each of the three MPOs and for statewide programs. n. Maintenance of the Federal Aid Highway SystemThe Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration expect states to adequately maintain facilities on the designated federal-aid system. In New Jersey, the federal-aid system includes transportation facilities under the jurisdiction of many agencies including the New Jersey Department of Transportation, New Jersey Transit, counties, certain municipalities and authorities. FHWA/FTA do not specify what levels the system(s) need to be maintained. FHWA and FTA leave that decision to the state agencies, metropolitan planning organizations and local decision making process.NJDOT inspects all bridges in New Jersey over twenty feet in length every two years. Standards for measuring the condition of bridges have been established nationally and the program carried out by NJDOT provides a very good assessment of the health of all the state’s bridges greater than twenty-feet long, regardless of owner. New Jersey will accept no less than 85% of the State’s federal-aid system bridges being in structurally sufficient condition. Currently, approximately 90% of New Jersey’s bridges on the federal-aid system are structurally sufficient. The $565 million targeted for bridge repair and replacement in the Fiscal Year 2012-2021 STIP will allow for the maintenance of this level of good repair. It is important to note that a structurally deficient bridge does not equate to an unsafe bridge. While 85% sufficiency may be the minimum standard set for our system, the State certainly would not allow any unsafe bridges to remain open to traffic. If a bridge were deemed unsafe, the State would take immediate action to bring the bridge to a safe condition or close it to traffic. The other major transportation asset, roads, is not as easily assessed. Like bridges, federal-aid system pavements are under the jurisdiction of many owners. The majority of the roads on the federal-aid system fall under the jurisdiction of the NJDOT, the twenty-one counties, and the toll authorities. There is no one national standard of measure for the condition of pavement and NJDOT does not currently compile condition levels for federal-aid system facilities under the ownership of other agencies. NJDOT has created a standard of measure that combines a measure of smoothness (International Rideability Index) and a measure of visible surface distress (Surface Distress Index). This standard of measure is not applied to jurisdictions within the state or across the nation. Currently NJDOT’s combined “acceptability” measure indicates that approximately 50% of the NJDOT-owned pavements (lane-miles) are in acceptable condition. As noted with bridges, unacceptable does not equate to unsafe. It does relate to the useful remaining life of the pavement and the optimal time for preservation and renewal. NJDOT’s goal is to bring 80% of its pavement into acceptable condition, but as an absolute minimum, NJDOT would want 60% of NJDOT-owned pavements to meet the acceptable condition. Even though NJDOT plans for a massive pavement investment, it will be very difficult to achieve this level for several years. The FY 2012-2021 STIP plans a robust annual average investment of $300 million per year for pavement improvement on the state highway system. This investment will bring NJDOT-owned pavements near the desired 80% acceptability over a 10-year period. It is anticipated that 60% acceptability of NJDOT pavements will be achieved over the next five years. County-owned roads make up a large portion of the federal-aid system; however, there is not comprehensive data on the condition of the county-owned network. Each county is responsible for managing its own network of roads, which includes facilities both on and off the federal-aid system, and each county may have its own way to measure performance. A similar situation applies to the toll facilities. To get an adequate picture of the condition of pavement on the federal-aid system, it will be necessary to establish a standard of measure(s) that would be used across all jurisdictions and initiate an effort to collect data using such a measure. NJDOT and its regional planning partners are starting those discussions. Bridges and pavements make up the largest investments on the federal-aid system, but it is important to recognize that there are other assets that need to be maintained, such as signing, lighting, guiderail and other appurtenances. These assets are in a very good state of repair and NJDOT does not expect them to degrade to over the next 10 years. NJDOT makes a concerted effort to address any items in disrepair as quickly as possible. n. Maintenance of the NJT Transit SystemThe Federal Transit Administration (FTA) oversees NJ TRANSIT's system with respect to state of good repair. In 2009, FTA conducted a thorough review of NJ TRANSIT's state of good repair efforts as part of FTA's Financial Capacity Assessment of the agency. That effort, for which the FTA engaged consultant support, included both a review of NJ TRANSIT's current infrastructure condition as well as the agency's 20 year capital program. The review concluded that NJ TRANSIT's infrastructure and rolling stock is generally in a state of good repair.o. How to use this documentThe individual descriptions, found in Sections II and III, provide detailed information for each project or program in the 10-year plan. The top portion of each project lists the project/program name (route and section) as well as the location. The Project ID reference number is assigned at project inception and remains with that project until its completion. These are the same reference numbers used by the MPOs in their TIPs. Other information contained within the description includes county, municipality, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) jurisdiction, mileposts (for state highway projects), structure number (for bridge projects), project sponsor, a detailed description of the project, asset management category, air quality code used for the conformity determination, and financial plan requirement. An explanation of the asset management categories and air quality codes can be found in the Glossary, located in Section V of this document.The anticipated funding schedule for each project/program is displayed in the columns at the bottom of each project page. The phases of work and types of funds are further defined in the Glossary, located in Section V. |
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