Route 56 Rainbow Lake Dam repairs are underway
NJDOT has a year-end target date for the repair and replacement of the Route 56 Rainbow Dam and Bridge in Pittsgrove Township, Salem County, which was breached by the April 17 Nor’easter that flooded the state from north to south.
Immediately after the breach, NJDOT set up the necessary traffic detours and made plans for the new two-span, 110- foot bridge, which also includes a 200-foot semicircular spillway with a fish ladder and sluice gate.
To minimize any inconvenience to the public, NJDOT will complete the project while maintaining access to all homes and businesses along Route 56.
NJDOT also will work with local officials, police and emergency responders during the construction to ensure safety. NJDOT also will dedicate an additional Emergency Service Patrol unit to the area; and will install temporary traffic signals at strategic locations along the detour route.