Executive Summary
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Strategy Profiles
1 Land use
2 Bicycle/Pedestrian
3 Bicycle/Pedestrian
4 Bicycle/Pedestrian
5 Travel Demand
6 Travel Demand
7 Transit
8 Transit
9 Transit
10 Transit
11 Roadway
12 Roadway
13 Goods Movement
14 Roadway
15 Roadway
16 Roadway
Press Release
updated 09/23/9905 Nov 1999 10:42:36 -0500 |
& Facilities
The Situation |
High volume roadways, sprawling land uses,
physical barriers and lack of sidewalk/shoulder connectivity makes bicycling (as an
alternative mode) very difficult within the Route 1 corridor. |
The Proposal |
Pursue the site-specific improvements for the
Collaboratives Route 1 corridor identified in the NJDOTs Route 1 Bicycle
and Pedestrian Corridor Case Study. These projects include new bike paths, widened
paved shoulders, signing, and bike storage at transit stations and stops, work places,
shopping centers and other destinations. |
The Locations |
-- Middlesex County Greenway within Conrail
ROW (Edison, Woodbridge) -- Route 1 East Side Bike Path within utility ROW (Edison,
-- Roosevelt Park Path (Edison)
-- Raritan River North Side Path - Donaldson to Edison Boat Basin (Highland
Park, Edison)
-- Main Street (Edison)
-- Vineyard Road (Edison)
-- Woodbridge Avenue (Highland Park, Edison)
-- Thornall-Middlesex Essex Turnpike (Woodbridge)
-- Rahway Avenue (Woodbridge)
-- Raritan Railroad Crossings at Route 1 and 27 (Edison, New Brunswick)
-- Rail Station Bike Storage (New Brunswick, Woodbridge)
-- Main Street (Woodbridge)
-- George Street Corridor (New Brunswick) H |
The Actions |
On a State level, take the appropriate problem
statements and move into the NJDOTs project pipeline; and, for those projects
requiring further development, pursue through the NJDOTs Concept Development
process. On a local level, the county and municipalities incorporate projects (within
their respective jurisdiction) into Master Plans. Public Interest groups to advocate
walking and bicycling and educate/provide information to the public. |
Estimated Annual Cost ($Millions) |
$0.5 to $0.9 |
Overall Traffic Benefits |
Low (but reduction in Vehicle Trips high) |
Other Impacts and Considerations |
This effort would require significant
cooperation and support between the county, townships, developers, lenders, businesses and
the general public; requiring on-going coordination and public involvement mechanisms. |
Lead (Sponsor) |
Support |
KMM, County, Municipalities, a (TBD) Bicycle
Advocacy Group |
Possible Funding |
Public/Private Partnering, STP, STP-E, CMAQ or
earmarked TTF |
Estimated Time Frame |
Provides for both Short and Long Term |
(Note: some of these projects are being pursued as part of the
Route 1 (Section 7L) project)
H - This location has been included (as a corridor) at the request of
the City of New Brunswick