Department of Transportation


NJDOT truck spreads anti-icing material on a New Jersey road photo
An NJDOT truck spreads anti-icing
material on a New Jersey road.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) works to make winter travel as safe as possible. NJDOT has 13,341 lane-miles of Interstate, US and State routes under its jurisdiction that it strives to keep open and passable at all times during winter weather. The goal during a winter storm is to maintain the roads for safe travel, at safe speeds, by using anti-icing materials and, when appropriate, removal of snow with plows. NJDOT utilizes a wide array of resources to provide the best possible road conditions during each winter storm. The intensity, duration and temperature of each storm determine how quickly we are able to get to bare pavement after the storm. Travelers should always use caution and drive according to the road and weather conditions.

Last updated date: June 9, 2020 3:33 PM