Department of Transportation

local aid and economic development graphic


Grant Announcement : Local Bridge Fund FY 2024
Grant Announcement: Safe Routes to School 2024
FY2025 Grant Solicitation Announcement: Municipal Aid, Bikeways, Safe Street to Transit, Transit Village

Application Deadline FY 2025: July 1, 2024

NJDOT Announced the grant solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2025 State Aid programs is open. Starting April 29, 2024, applications will be accepted for Municipal Aid, Bikeways, Safe Street to Transit, and Transit Village programs through July 1, 2024.

New Type of Improvement Added to FY 2025 Municipal Aid
Pavement preservation has been added to the FY 2025 Municipal Aid program. The purpose of pavement preservation is to renew the road surface and correct irregularities while preserving and protecting the underlying pavement structure (e.g., slurry seal, micro-surfacing, fog seal).

FY2024 Grant Solicitation Announcement New Mobility and Transportation Innovation Program

Application Deadline FY 2024: May 31 2024

NJDOT Announced the Grant Solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2024 New Mobility and Transportation Innovation Program (MATIP) is open.

Starting April 2, 2024, applications will be accepted through May 31, 2024

Applications are being accepted through the Local Aid Resource Center website:
View Announcement HERE

Grant Announcement: Local Freight Impact Fund FY 2024
Grant Announcement: Transit Village 2024
Grant Announcement: Bikeway 2024
Grant Announcement: Safe Streets to Transit 2024
Grant Announcement: Municipal Aid 2024
Governor Murphy and NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti announce $161 million in FY24 Municipal Aid grants to 543 municipalities Local Bridge Fund Grants

Grant Recipients for FY 2024 Municipal Aid Grants
FY 2024 Grant Solicitation Announcement– Local Bridge Funds
Local Bridge Funds Applications being accepted for $47.3 million in FY24 grants

Application Deadline FY 2024: December 15, 2023

NJDOT Announced the grant solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2024 Local Bridge Funds program is open. Starting October 19, 2023, applications will be accepted in PMRS for Local Bridge Funds program through December 15, 2023

FY 2024 Grant Solicitation Announcement– Local Freight Impact Fund
NJDOT announces $30.1 million in FY24 Local Freight Impact Fund

Application Deadline FY 2024: December 13, 2023

NJDOT Announced the grant solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2024 Local Freight Impact Fund program is open. Starting October 2, 2023, applications will be accepted in SAGE for Local Freight Impact Fund program through December 13,2023

FY2024 Grant Solicitation Announcement Safe Routes to School

Application Deadline FY 2024: November 17 2023
NJDOT Announced the Grant Solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2024 Safe Routes to School is open.
Starting July 24,2023,applications will be accepted through November 17,2023
View Announcement HERE

Grant Announcement : Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside 2023

NJDOT and NJTPA Announce $35.8 million in Federal grants to improve local Transportation.
Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside grants will help minicipalities in North Jersey
View Press Release HERE
2023 North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority(NJTPA) TA Set-Aside Grant Recepeints

FY2023 Grant Solicitation Announcement : Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program

Application Deadline FY 2023: November 3, 2022

NJDOT Announced the grant solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program is open. Starting May 24, 2022, applications will be accepted through November 3, 2022. .

View Details HERE
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) International Roughness Index (IRI) Requirements

Local Aid paving projects on routes designated on the Interstate System and The National Highway System (NHS) must abide by national performance management measures for IRI and the requirements of the Special Provisions for State Aid Projects.
Please see This Document summarizing the FHWA mandate on IRI testing on the Interstate System and the National Highway System.

FY 2019 Special Provisions for State Aid Projects

The FY 2019 Special Provisions for State Aid Projects  shall supersede and replace the 2011 Edition of the Special Provisions for State Aid Projects. All State Aid Projects from this point forward must use the FY2019 Special Provisions for State Aid Projects. A summary of the updates  to this version of the Special Provisions for State Aid Projects is provided here.

A summary of baseline document changes (BDCs) can be found here and here.

An overview of the Standard Input and Standard Input Guidelines, which is how the Special Provisions for State Aid Projects is crafted, can be found here:

Overview - Guidelines

SAGE Upgrade:
Department Of Transportation is pleased to announce the upgrade to IG16 on 3/26/2018.

SAGE IG16 upgrade training sessions were held on March 8 and March 15. 389 users from both Municipalities and Counties attended the training for the 3 sessions conducted. Video recording of Webinar training is posted March 26th on upgraded SAGE website. If you missed the training session, please review our videos that will be posted soon on SAGE website. Click on for updated IG16 link, please bookmark and replace your old SAGE link.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is committed to advancing projects that enhance safety, renew the aging infrastructure and support new transportation opportunities. The Division of Local Aid and Economic Development staff members work with county and municipal government officials to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state’s transportation system. The Transportation Trust Fund and the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation has provided the opportunity for funding assistance to local governments for road, bridge and other transportation projects.

This web site is intended to be used as a guide by county and municipal officials and engineers to apply for Local Aid projects. It provides information on funding, applications, engineering requirements, and the procurement process.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) online grant management system, SAGE (System for Administering Grants Electronically), is a method of accepting, reviewing, approving and managing grants.

Starting Fiscal Year 2008, applications for all programs, are being processed online. As these programs are advertised, applicants are required to submit their application online using SAGE. Please Click below to access SAGE.

SAGE graphic

Last updated date: February 12, 2020 8:57 AM