Department of Transportation


Phone: 609.963.2324

Question and Answer For Current Technical Proposals

E-mail question(s) to the attention: Manager of Professional Services, Procurement.
Specify "Prequalification Question" in the subject line. Email is now the preferred method of answering consultant's questions. It will expedite processing the request and posting the response.

Prequalification FAQs
When and how are we notified that we have become prequalified with the NJDOT?
A Consultant Profile Sheet depicting the disciplines that you requested and their review status, approved or not approved, is mailed out every Thursday.  However, you may request your firm’s profile sheet at any time.
How are we notified if our prequalification packet was not approved?
If a discipline is deemed not acceptable upon review and revisions are necessary, an email will be sent to the “Prequalification Contact” from the NJDOT Reviewer describing the deficiencies and the revisions that need to be made.
In Section 1 of the prequalification packet, what is the “Prequal Contact”?
The “Prequal Contact” is the individual or lead individual who prepared your prequalification packet or whom we can contact if we need further information about your packet.
In Section 1 of the prequalification packet, what is the “CES Contact”?
The “CES Contact” is the person whom we can contact about your firm’s Consultant Evaluation System (CES) scores if applicable.  The CES is an evaluation of your firm’s performance on NJDOT projects based upon five job categories: Design, Planning, Construction Inspection, Bridge Inspection, and Environmental.
Where do you view and download Section 3 of the prequalification packet?
To view and download Section 3, click on the title of the discipline highlighted in blue in Section 2 Prequalification Discipline List Response Format.
How long are we prequalified once we’ve become approved?
Once approved, you are prequalified with the NJDOT for two years.
Do subconsultants have to be prequalified?
No.  Subconsultants only have to be Cost Basis Approved (CBA).
What is Cost Basis Approved?
Cost Basis Approval is the review and approval of your firm’s accounting system.  The Cost Basis Approval forms and further information can be found at the following link on the Professional Services website.
How long is a firm Cost Basis Approved and how often do we have to renew our CBA?
A firm needs to be Cost Basis Approved once, which remains valid unless there is a corporate change which would affect your firm’s accounting system.
What is the Quality Management Plan?
Quality is defined as the degree to which the product or service performed meets the customer's expectations. A Quality Management (QM) Plan is a document or set of documents that describe the standards, quality practices, resources, and processes pertinent to an organization. The QM Plan describes how an organization will implement the Quality Management Policy. The Quality Management Plan will be customized to establish the project’s specific QM requirements.
How long is a firm’s approved Quality Management Plan in effect?
A firm needs to have a QM Plan approved once unless there is a corporate change in which a new QM Plan may be required.  As of July 2008 there will be new QM Plan requirements, and all firms with active agreements will be required to submit a new QM Plan to Capital Program Support for approval. Use this link for QM Plan guidelines.
How many times do we have to submit the $100 check made out to the Treasurer, State of New Jersey?
The $100 check made out to the Treasurer, State of New Jersey is only required if your firm is prequalifying for the first time or renewing your prequalification status with the current prequalification packet.  The $100 check is only required once per cycle.
In what format should the resumes be submitted?
The resumes should be submitted in the Section 4 format found in the prequalification packet.
Once we are prequalified, can we prequalify for additional disciplines?
Does our expiration date change or extend every time we prequalify in additional disciplines?
No.  A firm’s expiration date does not get changed or extended.  The expiration date is the two year anniversary in which your firm first became prequalified in the current prequalification cycle.
Are we limited to one page resumes?
How far back can an individual list their experience on the resume?
The resume may go back as far as necessary to meet the mandatory time requirements and experience.
What is the required design completion for the projects listed in Section 3?
All projects must have a design completion of 100% to be prequalified.  Some disciplines may require a construction completion of 100%.  This will be noted in Section 3 of the respective disciplines.
What if my firm’s responsibilities for a project are complete, but the actual design is not, can we indicate a design completion of 100%?
Yes.  You may indicate a design completion of 100% if your responsibilities on a project are complete.
Can we propose more than one individual for a staff position?
No, unless stated otherwise.
If a discipline asks for eight staff positions, can we include five or do we have to include eight people?
Eight people need to be submitted for prequalification. Each number of staff positions needs to be fulfilled to become prequalified.
Can we use a subconsultant to fulfill one of the staff positions?
No.  Each staff member must be employed by your firm at the time of your prequalification submission.
What is expedited renewal?
Expedited renewal is an option in Section 3 where Sections 4 and 5 do not need to be submitted if the proposed staff members and projects are the same that were accepted under the previous prequalification cycle.  Note that not every discipline has expedited renewal and that projects that have fallen out of the 10 years time period must be replaced.  Expedited renewal, where applicable, is shown with a check box next to the staff position or project title under an “ER” column in Section 3.
Can an individual list experience while employed by another firm on their resume?
Yes, however level "A" consideration will only be given.
What is the Certificate of Authorization?
The Certificate of Authorization is a certificate that must be submitted with your prequalification packet if your firm provides professional engineering and/or land surveying services in the State of New Jersey.  Note that several disciplines are exempt from submitting a Certificate of Authorization.  Information about the Certificate of Authorization can be found at the following link.
Who do we contact to obtain a list of firms prequalified in a specific discipline?
All requests must be submitted via email for managerial approval, or by downloading The List of Prequalified Consultants and Approved Disciplines on the Professional Services website under Prequalification.
What happened to PS-07's discipline T-6 Transportation Master Planning?
Discipline T-6 has been combined with discipline T-7 Transportation Planning.
What happened to PS-10's disciplines C-4 Bridge Painting?
Discipline C-4 has been removed because it can be covered by discipline C-6 Construction Inspection.
What happened to PS-10's discipline T-11 Transportation Demand Management?
Discipline T-11 has been removed because the department does not perform TDM Programs where a consultant is needed.
If the staff requirement for one of the staff positions doesn't indicate a "number of years" requirement, for example the CADD Technician/Draftsperson in H-3 Hydrology & Hydraulics, do we still need to submit a resume?
Yes. A resume still needs to be submitted. Even though there isn't an indicated time requirement, we would still like to see that the proposed individual has the proper experience.

Last updated date: November 20, 2019 11:19 AM