Department of Transportation

Subject Matter Experts

Statewide Planning | Multimodal Services | Local Aid and Economic Development | Environmental Resources

Local Resources and Community Development
Laine Rankin, Assistant Commissioner

Aeronautics & Modal Programs
Kimbrali Davis, Manager - 609.963.2100
Area SME Phone
UAS/Drone Program Maryiam Kazmi 609.963.2100
NJDOT Airport Management (Greenwood Lake/South Jersey Regional) Shadman Mohammad 609.963.2100
Aeronautical Facility Licenses Laura Alexander 609.963.2100

Local Aid and Economic Development
David Bruccoleri, Senior Director - 609.963.2021
Select grants.

Administer grant contracts.
Area SME Phone
Division Office Deval Desai 609.963.2021

Area SME Phone
State Aid Kyle Skala 609.963.2011
I Bank Brian Wirtz 856.414.8497

State Funded Programs
The State Aid Program is one method by which the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) can work with county and municipal governments to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state’s transportation system. The State funded programs administered by Local Aid are as follows:
Area SME Phone
Federal Aid: Local Safety; Local Concept Development; Emergency Relief(ER), Safe Routes to School Deven Patel 609.963.2008
Federal Aid: Transportation Alternatives, Policy Julie Seaman 609.963.2004

Federally Funded Programs
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), Division of Local Aid and Economic Development, and/or the Metropolitan Planning Organizations currently administer these Federal Aid Programs:

These programs encourage investment in those transportation projects that will yield the greatest mobility, have the least environmental impact, and make the most cost-effective use of available resources. All of these programs are reimbursement programs.

Area SME Phone
System for Administering Grants Electronically (SAGE); Project Management Reporting System (PMRS) Vanaja Komatreddy 609.963.2002

The New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) online grant management system, SAGE (System for Administering Grants Electronically), is a method of accepting, reviewing, approving and managing grants.

SAGE users can submit grant applications, communicate with Grant Program staff, request changes and manage grants.

This system requires authorization for access. If you belong to a county or municipality, you already have an Authorized Official registered with access to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA) SAGE. If not, please contact your organization's Authorized Official who can grant you access to the system from NJDCA SAGE. You will then be able to log into both systems, NJDCA and NJDOT SAGE. If you belong to any other type of organization, you may request access as an Authorized Official directly through NJDOT SAGE.

Area SME Phone
Local Aid Division Office 1035 Parkway Avenue PO Box 600 Trenton, NJ 08625-0600 Programs and Policy Deval Desai 609.963.2020
Local Aid, District 1 Mount Arlington Roxbury Corporate Center 200 Stierli Court, 1st Floor Mount Arlington, NJ 07856 Counties: Morris, Passaic, Sussex and Warren Adam Iervolino 973.810.9193
Local Aid District 2, Newark 153 Halsey Street, 5th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 Counties: Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union Ebony Johnson 973.877.1500
Local Aid, District 3, Trenton 1035 Parkway Avenue PO Box 600 Trenton, NJ 08625-0600 Counties: Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean and Somerset Komila Pandit 609.963.2020
Local Aid, District 4, Cherry Hill One Executive Campus Route 70 West, 3rd Floor Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Counties: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Thomas Berryman 856.414.8413
Local Aid Resource Center 1035 Parkway Avenue PO Box 600 Trenton, NJ 08625-0600 Alyssa Adams 609.963.1144

Specific unit guidance:
Local Aid Resource Center Web site
Local Aid and Economic Development Publications

Major Access Permits
Veronica Murphy, Director - 609.963.1854
Area SME Phone
Outdoor Advertising Gregory Harbach 609.963.1158

Environmental Resources
Sean Warren, Director - 609.963.2075
William McBride, Manager - 609.963.2250
The Division of Environmental Resources provides environmental support for projects initiated by Local Aid, Multimodal, and Operations and serves as the Department’s central point of contact for environmental policies and or procedures. The Division also provides environmental oversight of remedial activates at NJDOT owned facilities and rights of way. Finally the Division, in collaboration with Operations is responsible for maintaining a Storm Water Asset Management Program for the Department. NOTE – For matters related to Climate Change Resilience, the Director’s Office is the central point of contact – 609.963.2065
#Major Tasks
Provide environmental support for projects initiated by Local Aid projects, Multimodal, and Operations.

Responsible for environmental policy and planning.

Provide environmental oversight and remediation on New Jersey Department of Transportation-owned facilities.

Responsible for Storm Water Asset Management Program.

Environmental Program Resources
Sean Warren, Section Chief- 609.963.2075
Area SME Phone
Environmental Project Compliance (NEPA, EO 215) Pamela Garrett 609.963.2063
Historic Resource Technical Issues Lindsay Thivierge 609.963.2666
Environmental Policy/Legislation Paula Scelsi 609.963.2072
Ecological & Permit Technical Issues Paula Scelsi 609.963.2072
Air/Noise Technical Issues Pamela Garrett 609.963.2063

Environmental Services Support Unit
Brendan Brock, Section Chief 609.963.2634
Area SME Phone
Hazardous Waste/Site Remediation Mohammad Yousef 609.963.2635
Solid Waste Patricia Woodruff 609.963.2677
Storm Water Asset Management Jason Nowak 609.963.2627
Operations Project Support Brendan Brock 609-963-2634
Specific unit guidance:

Last updated date: September 10, 2024 7:54 AM