Department of Transportation

Subject Matter Experts

Statewide Planning, Safety and Capital Investment
Eric Powers, Assistant Commissioner - 609.963.2255
The Assistant Commissioner’s office of Statewide Planning, Safety and Capital Investment is composed of three Divisions. Capital Investment, Planning and Program Coordination, Statewide Planning and Safety Programs and Transportation Data.
#Major Tasks

Division of Capital Investment Program Coordination
Suzanne Tomlinson, Director - 609.963.2026
Amy Polachak, Deputy Director - 609.963.2036
The Division of Capital Investment & Program Coordination (CIPC) is responsible for development and implementation of the transportation capital program that advances the Department's capital investment strategy and effectively manages available resources.
#Major Tasks
Prepare the Capital Program and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

Manage Capital Program funds.

Responsible for the Statewide Capital Investment Strategy.

Program Coordination
Capital Program Development

Area SME Phone
State Funding Ashok Rana 609.963.2035
Federal Funding Jolanta Figon 609.963.2037

Division of Statewide Planning
Megan Fackler, Director - 609.963.2236
Amanda Gendek, Deputy Director - 609.963.2242
The Division of Statewide Planning (DSP) is the home for most of the Department's transportation planning functions as well as the Department's Bureau of Research and Research Library and Bureau of Statewide Strategies.

Research Bureau
Pragna Shah, Manager - 609.963.2232
The Research Bureau works directly with institutes of higher education, Treasury-contracted consultants, and other research professionals to deliver customer focused, quality research in order to enhance the quality and cost effectiveness of the engineering policies, practices, standards and specifications that are used in planning, building and maintaining New Jersey's transportation infrastructure.

The Bureau conducts technology and knowledge transfer practices, such as training, education, demonstrations, an annual showcase, communications, marketing efforts, and local technical assistance, all of which are intended to help new technologies get implemented.

The Bureau is also home to the New Jersey State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC), whose mission is to identify, evaluate, and rapidly deploy new technologies and process improvements that will accelerate project delivery and improve the safety and quality of transportation in NJ. STIC members review innovative ideas, vet them, and make recommendations for development and implementation of those ideas.

The Bureau also provides library services to NJDOT and other state government employees and the general public. The NJDOT Research Library is a branch of the New Jersey State Library and is funded by FHWA State Planning and Research Program. The Research Library collects documents from a variety of sources, including the Transportation Research Board, FHWA, other State DOT's and NJDOT. It provides reference and referral services, an online catalog and lending materials on site or by an inter-library loan through another library, photocopying, literature searches and notification of new materials.

#Major Tasks
Administer New Jersey's State Planning and Research Program

Solicit and assess the research needs of the Department on a regular basis.

Establish and maintain collaborative relationships among NJDOT, FHWA, NJ Transit, MVC, university professionals and consultants.

Facilitate transportation-related research for NJDOT, NJ Transit, Motor Vehicle Commission, and others.

Provide contract administration support for transportation research projects.

Performance and Risk Measurement/Management of transportation research projects from authorization to close-out.

Administer NJ STIC activities

Technology Transfer (Research Showcase, Tech Talks, newsletters, training, etc.)

AASHTO RAC participation

Bureau Manager is liaison to the National Academies Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Coordinate NCHRP activities

Pooled Fund Research Coordination

National Survey Coordination

Library Services

Keep abreast of the state of practice and conduct of research and implement regular program changes and improvements.

Area SME Phone
Bureau Management, Bureau Policy/Procedures, Technology Transfer, Innovation, STIC, TRB Rep, AASHTO RAC Member Pragna Shah 609.963.2232
Local Technical Assistance Program, Local Aid, Bureau Policy/Procedures, Technology Transfer, Research Showcase, Research Library, Research Project Management, Bike/Ped., AASHTO RAC Member. Pragna Shah 609.963.2232
Resiliency Working Group Member & Business Process Mapping Stefanie Potapa 609.963.2227
Commuter Mobility, Highway Geometric Design, Bridge, Construction, Planning, Structural Design, Safety & Security, Infrastructure, Pavement, Contract Management, Engineering, Implementation and Research Project Management and Resiliency Working Group Member. Priscilla Ukpah 609.963.2238
Innovation, STIC, Artificial Intelligence, Bridge, Energy, Infrastructure, Construction Materials, Pavements, Low Carbon Materials, Technology Transfer, Implementation, Structural Design, Intelligent Transportation, Federal Research Grant Writing, Pooled Fund Projects, Research Project Mgmt. Software, Engineering, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, AASHTO RAC Member, NCHRP Project Panels and TRB Committee Member Giri Venkiteela 609.963.2239
Contract Management, Procurement, Basic Agreements, Grant Funds Management End Dates, FMIS Sneha Shah
Suzanne Rizzo
Administration, Bureau Policy/Procedures, National Survey Coordination, Research Records Retention, TRB Travel Coordination, Risk Assessment TBD TBD
Research Library Services Librarian Eric Schwarz 609.963.1898
Programmatic Research Issues, Technology Transfer, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) coordination, Social Media, Webmaster & Communications Liaison, Research Event Coordination, Research Project Management, AASHTO Gatekeeper, STIC, Innovation Program Devyn Cordero 609.963.2083
Innovation, STIC, Federal Grant Management, Trails & Greenways, & Environmental Giri Venkiteela 609.963.1606
General Research, Research Project Management, Technology Transfer, Webmaster Liaison Kamal Patel 609.963.1702

Specific unit guidance:
Research Bureau Web site
Research Library Website
NJDOT Technology Transfer Website
New Jersey STIC Website

Statewide Strategies
Sudhir B. Joshi - 609.963.2217
The Bureau of Statewide Strategies performs an array of functions of which the following relate to the Capital Project Delivery Process. The Statewide Planning section of the Bureau conducts performance-based planning, which includes preparing the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (SLRTP), the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) and managing the Performance Center Intranet page of performance targets and inventory information. The section maintains and updates Appendix B of the New Jersey State Highway Access Management Code that identifies the Desirable Typical Section (DTS) and Access Level of all state highway segments. The DTS defines the Department's long-range vision of state highway configurations (number of through lanes for state highway segments). The Access Level defines the allowable turning movements between the state highway and a lot or site based on the access classification, which regulates access to all state highways. These elements shall be evaluated and considered for all of the Department's projects.

The Transportation and Livable Communities section ensures that the principles of livability, smart growth and consistency with New Jersey's State Development and Redevelopment Plan are integrated into the Department's regulations, plans, policies, programs and projects. Activities include designation of municipalities as Transit Villages, preparation of Access Management Plans under the State Highway Access Management Code and participation in the endorsement of county and municipal plans under SDRP by the State Planning Commission.

The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Liaison section serves as intermediary between the Department and New Jersey's three MPOs: the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority.

The Air Quality and Travel Demand Modeling section works with Department staff, the MPOs and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to ensure capital projects meet air quality conformity requirements and prepares an investment strategy for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds. The Congestion Management Technical Analysis section provides support to the Department's decision-making and project delivery process by providing congestion evaluation and congestion relief strategies.

#Major Tasks
Prepare the Department's Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (SLRTP) and Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP).

Maintain the Performance Center Intranet web page with performance targets and inventory information.

Collaborate with external entities on planning studies to integrate land use development and transportation.

Maintain and update Appendix B of the New Jersey State Highway Access Management Code (NJSHAMC) and administer the access classification process, including Desirable Typical Sections (DTS) and Access Levels.

Coordinate with the State Planning Commission and the Office of Planning Advocacy.

Provide reports from the Smart Growth Management System to quantify the smart growth consistency of a project.

Manage Statewide Strategies consultant Term Agreements.

Manage the Transit Village Initiative.

Coordinate the Department's Smart Growth Implementation Team.

Serve as intermediary between the Department and New Jersey's three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO): the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commissioner and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, and manage the MPO grant program to ensure compliance with Department, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirements.

Maintain the Department's statewide travel demand and air quality models in conformance with federal requirements to support the air quality conformity process.

Prepare an investment strategy for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds and maintain a database of CMAQ projects. Use the Division's transportation modeling tools to develop future growth rates, upon request, for various capital projects. Provide data requests from the Congestion Management System (CMS-21). Develop targeted and effective Problem Statements for congestion relief projects. Collaborate with other Department units (e.g., Transportation Operations Systems and Support, Multimodal) and other agencies and organizations such as Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Federal Highway Administration, NJ TRANSIT, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and New Jersey Turnpike Authority in congestion relief efforts through the Complete Team. Develop System Performance targets to fulfill the federal requirements. In addition, this section plays a key role in developing and implementing carbon reduction strategies. By collaborating with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), NJ Transit, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the team is focused on the strategic deployment of funds from the Carbon Reduction Program. The aim is to significantly reduce transportation-related emissions and promote environmental sustainability across the region.

Area SME Phone
Statewide Planning Tom Houck 609.963.2215
Transportation and Livable Communities Susan Weber 609.963.2240
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Liaison Farzana Ahmed 609.963.1202
Air Quality and Travel Demand Modeling Simon Nwachukwu 609.963.1880
Congestion Management Technical Analysis Neha Galgali 609.963.2210

Specific unit guidance:
Asset Management Web site
Long Range Transportation Plan Web site
Transit Village Initiative Web site
NJIT: Future in Transportation

The Office of Freight Planning (OFP)
Janice Marino-Doyle, Program Lead - 609.963.1782
Nipa Maniar, Project Engineer - 609.963.2222
The Office of Freight Planning (OFP) through projects, planning and partnerships, facilitates the movement of freight through New Jersey. To this end, OFP endeavors to develop a safe, efficient, and integrated intermodal goods movement system throughout New Jersey.

The Statewide Freight Plan became a requirement passed as part of FAST (Fixing America's Surface Transportation) Act Legislation, the IIJA (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) mandates that NJDOT must update its statewide freight plan once every four years. This requirement is directly tied to New Jersey receiving its National Highway Freight Program funding (currently $402M through FY2029). Over the last five years of the 2017 Statewide Freight Plan implementation, the NJDOT worked to integrate freight needs, requirements, and improvements into NJDOT planning, operational, and capital program processes. This SFP is a comprehensive and encyclopedic document that lays out challenges, actions, and opportunities. It details how, where, why, and when cargo moves along New Jersey's multimodal freight network.

Work regionally with public and private sector partners to reduce freight impacts and move freight from road to rail and marine highway services.

Plan collaboratively with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and South Jersey Port Corporation to ensure facility throughput that reduces local community impacts.

Promoting NJDOT drives freight improvements, including education and safety efforts.

Develop Best Management Practices that serve the public and private sector, design community and planners.

Looking to the future, planning for electric trucks, marine vessels, and innovative technologies.

OFP coordinates and manages significant freight-related studies, programs, or policy initiatives among all modes on behalf of the Department. OFP addresses Federal requirements regarding Freight Planning in close coordination with the State's MPO's. We participate in and advance programs or projects that will promote greater usage of freight rail, marine highway, and other modal systems.

Division of Safety Programs and Transportation Data
Frank Neary , Director - 609.963.2080
The Division of Safety Programs and Transportation Data (DSPTD) is headed by a Director, with staff providing managerial, execution and support functions for the following bureaus: the Bureau of Safety, Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs and the Bureau of Transportation Data and Support.
#Major Tasks

Bureau of Safety, Bicycle & Pedestrian Programs (BSBPP)
Daniel LiSanti, Deputy Director - 609.963.1879
The Bureau of Safety, Bicycle & Pedestrian Programs (BSBPP) includes three units: Office of Safety Program Management, Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, and the Office of Complete Streets Implementation. The Bureau is responsible for administering the federally funded Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for all public roads - municipal, county and state - in New Jersey. HSIP funds are used for improving safety along state and local routes with significant safety risk. The Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) lead the administration of the HSIP improvements along county and municipal roads identified as being high risk locations. All HSIP funded projects are to be aligned with, and support, the state's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). New Jersey is typically allocated approximately $85 million annually.

The Bureau manages the Safety Management System for the Department. To this extent, the Bureau is responsible for managing technical projects that identify, inventory, review and analyze safety concerns along state and non-state roads, with a goal of suggesting safety countermeasures for state projects. The Bureau is responsible for initiating safety related problem statements to address data driven safety concerns along state routes, analyze crashes for all capital projects, provide technical guidance on Highway Safety Manual and the analyses required for HSIP projects, both local and state. The Bureau champions the Safe System Approach at the Department.

The Bureau is responsible for serving as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on the Department's Complete Streets policy, and for ensuring its implementation. This requires coordination with the Division of Project Management (DPM) and supervision of staff to thoroughly assess all NJDOT projects regarding bicycle, pedestrian, and Complete Streets accommodations in a timely manner.

Along with the Complete Streets initiative, the Bureau work effort includes a variety of bicycle and pedestrian planning and program activities including the development and maintenance of the NJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, the local Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Assistance Program, and the Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Program.
#Major Tasks
Oversee the work performed by the NJDOT Safety, Bicycle & Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Resource Centers.
  • Administer federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds to strategically , reduce fatalities, and serious injuries on state and local roadways in support of the federal Safe System Approach.
  • Coordinate with FHWA and MPO partners to ensure successful implementation of the program. Provide technical guidance on the Highway Safety Manual and other safety analyses.
  • Develop and maintain the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP).
  • Implement the Infrastructure related action plans and coordinate with identified statewide stakeholders on all the other implementation action plans.
  • Encourage appropriate inclusion of safety and Complete Streets improvements for all roadway users on all Department projects.
  • Develop and implement programs of systemic safety improvements.
  • Complete annual reports as required, including the Annual Safety Report, updates of federal safety targets, and reports, as required, for the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) and the Every Day Counts (EDC) Initiative.
  • Maintain and enhance the Departments Complete Streets initiative.
  • Encourage the adoption of Complete Streets policies across the state and implementation of Complete Streets improvements on state and local roadways.
  • Administer the federally funded Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.
  • Administer the Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Program.
  • Administer the local Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Assistance Program.
  • Develop and maintain the NJ Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan. Assist with implementing actions identified in the plan.
  • Coordinate with internal and external partners through meetings, workshops, conferences, and peer exchanges.
Area SME Phone
Safety Program Management Jeevanjot Singh 609.963.1096
Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Elise Bremer-Nei 609.963.2203
Complete Streets Implementation Nazhat Aboobaker 609.963.2001

Specific unit guidance:
NJ 2020 Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Complete Streets Web site
Local Aid and Economic Development, Safe Routes to School

Bureau of Transportation Data and Support
Stephen Choborda, Manager - 609.963.2258
The Bureau of Transportation Data and Support is responsible for providing roadway, traffic, and crash data in accordance with FHWA standards for NJDOT's internal and external partners. The Bureau manages the Traffic Monitoring System (TMS) Program, Traffic Volume Stations (TVS) Program, and Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Program. These programs collect and analyze traffic volumes, vehicle-type classification, vehicle speeds, and truck weights on New Jersey's network of public- roads. The Bureau is responsible for processing, verifying, and storing over 300,000 crash reports annually of which this data is used by NJDOT and over 20 sister agencies. The Bureau is also responsible for the oversight and implementation of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration safety programs in coordination with the NJ State Police and the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission, development, and maintenance of the federally required Highway Performance Monitoring System, and administration of the NJDOT Straight Line diagram and associated data.

Area SME Phone
Traffic and Innovative Tech Peter Brzostowski 609.963.1869
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Shazia Khizir
Gauri Jumde
SafetyNet Shazia Khizir
Mark Adams
Weigh-in-Motion Antoun Abraham 609.963.1911
Crash Records, Safe Corridor Program Shazia Khizir
Stephen Choborda
HPMS Eric Oberle 609.963.1881
Straight Line Diagram Eric Oberle 609.963.1881
Traffic Counts / Traffic Monitoring Antoun Abraham 609.963.1911

Last updated date: April 18, 2023 1:27 PM