Department of Transportation


a. Overview Back to Top

This document is the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for the State of New Jersey for federal fiscal years (FY) 2024 (beginning October 1, 2023) through FY 2027 (ending September 30, 2027), with an additional six years for information, FY 2028 – FY 2033

The STIP serves two purposes. First, it presents a comprehensive, one-volume guide to major transportation improvements planned in the State of New Jersey. Second, it serves as the reference document, required under federal regulations (23 CFR 450.216), for use by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in approving the expenditure of federal funds for transportation projects in New Jersey. The STIP is a valuable reference for implementing agencies such as the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT), and all other parties interested in transportation issues in the state.

Federal legislation requires that each state develop one multimodal STIP for all areas of their state. In New Jersey, the STIP consists of a listing of statewide line items and programs, as well as three regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), which are developed by the three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) covering the state. Those three TIPs contain local and state highway projects, statewide line items and programs, and public transit and authority- sponsored projects.

This STIP conforms to, and in many cases exceeds, the specific requirements of the federal regulations:

  1. It lists the priority projects programmed for the first four (4) years of the planning period.  It also includes a priority list of projects to be funded over an additional six (6) years.
  2. It is fiscally constrained for the entire 10 years (A detailed discussion of fiscal constraint is found in subsection “i”).
  3. It contains all regionally significant projects, regardless of funding source.
  4. It contains all projects programmed for federal funds.
  5. It contains, for information, state-funded projects and programs.
  6. It contains expansive descriptive information.

Finally, the STIP is a 10-year plan that is fiscally constrained based on federal estimated resources increasing annually for the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT, based on the Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Public Law 117-58, also known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law”). The IIJA is a once-in-a-generation investment in our infrastructure that will help grow the economy, enhance U.S. competitiveness, create good jobs, and build our safe, resilient, and equitable transportation future. State resources — consisting of the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) —are assumed to remain flat. More information regarding IIJA can be found Bipartisan Infrastructure Law - FHWA | Federal Highway Administration (

b. Performance-based Planning and Asset Management Back to Top

The NJDOT implemented an Asset Management policy detailing the agency’s objectives and measures. This policy is the official institutional approach to managing infrastructure assets and making capital investment decisions related to these assets. This approach serves to support and complement the 10-year Statewide Capital Investment Strategy (SCIS), the 10-year STIP, the annual Transportation Capital Program, and the biennial Study and Development Program. The diagram below (Figure 1) displays the relationship between the NJDOT’s various planning documents and the development of the STIP

Figure 1:

Sources of Funds image

The NJDOT recognizes that there are ever-increasing challenges to funding transportation improvements. Asset management offers an alternative to focusing solely on problem spots and/or the worst conditions. The NJDOT defines asset management as, “the systematic process of maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost-effectively”.

Performance-based Planning and Performance Management defines the broader use of performance to manage and improve the transportation system. Asset Management focuses on the subset of Performance-based Planning and Performance Management related to physical assets. However, the NJDOT has used, and is continuing to use, a Performance-based Planning approach to make capital investment choices. The NJDOT continues to seek out and utilize the best data and predictive models to make the most effective, efficient, and informed investment choices.

In 2017, the NJDOT updated its Transportation Asset Management Policy to adopt transportation asset management as the official institutional approach to preserve the Department’s infrastructure assets. The policy reflects the Department’s commitment to apply a performance- based approach to managing transportation system performance outcomes. Transportation Asset Management is the application of this approach to manage the condition of infrastructure assets.

In 2022, NJDOT prepared the New Jersey Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), which has been certified by the FHWA. In June 2022, FHWA issued its 2021 consistency determination, affirming that NJDOT developed and implemented the NJ TAMP consistent with federal requirements. The TAMP documents the risk-based approach for management of the National Highway System and State Highway System assets in NJ, identifies State of Good Repair Objectives for assets, and outlines investment strategies to achieve these objectives. The TAMP represents National Highway System (NHS) assets, regardless of ownership. In New Jersey, the NHS is owned by NJDOT, as well as multiple transportation authorities and commissions, counties and municipalities. The NJDOT continuously engaged with the state’s three MPOs during the TAMP development process, enabling the Department to inform, collaborate, and coordinate with all NHS owners to obtain condition data and investment information. More information regarding the TAMP can be found at and 2022TAMPFactSheets.pdf (

NJDOT has submitted Performance Measure (PM) targets to FHWA for Safety (PM1), Infrastructure (PM2), and System Performance (PM3). PM1 requires State DOTs to set targets for safety-related performance measures. Since 2017, Safety Performance target setting and reporting is performed annually. PM2 sets targets for pavement condition and bridge condition on the NHS, including the Interstate. PM3 assesses the performance of the Interstate and non-Interstate NHS for the purpose of carrying out the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program, as well as freight movement on the Interstate system to carry out the National Highway Freight Program (NHFP). Performance Measures and Targets are summarized in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2: Summary of Performance Measures and Targets

Performance Measures Baseline 2-Year Condition / Performance 2-Year Target 4-Year Target 4-Year Adjustment
Percentage of Pavements of the Interstate System in Good Condition 62.1% 75.7% 50.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Interstate System in Poor Condition 1.8% 0.1% 2.5%
Percentage of Pavements of the Non- Interstate NHS in Good Condition 41.9% 44.4% 25.0% 50.6% 25.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Non- Interstate NHS in Good Condition (Full Distress + IRI) 33.0% 25.0% 41.6% 25.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Non-Interstate NHS in Poor Condition 26.5% 26.9% 2.5% 19.8% 15.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Non-Interstate NHS in Poor Condition (Full Distress + IRI) 10.7% 2.5% 4.8% 15.0%
Percentage of NHS Bridges Classified as in Good Condition 21.7% 22.1% 19.4% 21.3% 21.3%
Percentage of NHS Bridges Classified as in Poor Condition 6.5% 6.8% 6.5% 6.6% 6.8%
Percent of the Person-Miles Traveled on the Interstate That Are Reliable 82.1% 80.6% 82.0% 94.0% 82.0%
Percent of the Person-Miles Traveled on the Non-Interstate NHS That Are Reliable 86.2% 92.2% 84.1%
Truck Travel Time Reliability (TTTR) Index 1.82 1.89 1.90 1.56 1.95
Annual Hours of Peak Hour Excessive Delay Per Capita: Urbanized Area 1 22.3 20.9 22.0
Annual Hours of Peak Hour Excessive Delay Per Capita:
Urbanized Area 2
14.6 13.1 17.2
Percent of Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel: Urbanized Area 1 51.6% 51.6% 51.6% 52.4% 51.7%
Percent of Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel: Urbanized Area 2 27.9% 28.2% 28.0% 30.6% 28.1%
Total Emission Reductions: PM2.5 9.572 162.020 4.290 178.800 8.520
Total Emission Reductions: NOx 244.301 1500.520 114.401 1572.321 231.850
Total Emission Reductions: VOC 44.493 157.750 17.682 179.176 36.324
Total Emission Reductions: PM10
Total Emission Reductions: CO 67.376 707.710 31.927 1080.681 63.010

Figure 3: Summary of Safety Performance Measures and Targets

Source: Highway Safety Improvement Program 2021 Annual Report: New Jersey (

Covid-19 pandemic led to a decrease in VMT in 2020 and an unexpected increase in fatalities in New Jersey, with similar trends nationwide. The trend of increasing fatalities has continued through 2021 and year-to-date 2022. Although VMT are increasing on New Jersey’s roadways, it is not at pre-pandemic levels to date.

T2Beginning in 2019, New Jersey updated the police crash report to be consistent with the federally required classifications (Killed, Suspected Serious Injury, Suspected Minor Injury, Possible Injury, and No Apparent Injury). As a result of this change, injuries not previously attributed to the serious injury classification are now included in the serious injuries numbers for 2019-2021. For example, a crash victim with a broken arm that would have previously been classified as a Moderate Injury, is now classified as a Suspected Serious Injury. As a result, New Jersey saw an increase in reported serious injuries due to the changes in reporting. The increase creates a challenge in predicting anticipated totals for future years as well.

The continued challenges posed by changes in the police crash report for and the COVID-19 Pandemic have rendered previous injury trends and models ineffective leading to challenges in developing data projections.

The targets displayed in Figure 3 were established after careful consideration of previous trends, recently built projects, and the current socioeconomic environment. Targets are based on five year rolling average values and are reported to satisfy federal requirements with the understanding that New Jersey’s safety vision is to achieve zero deaths on all public roads.

The Department plans to invest in safety to make progress toward achieving the performance targets that have been set. The New Jersey Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) guides the allocation of safety funding and resources to reduce highway fatalities and serious injuries on New Jersey’s public roadways. The plan can be found at NJ+2020+SHSP+Final+Report+-+09-08- 2020.pdf. Total investment in safety includes programs and projects such as Betterments, Safety; Highway Safety Improvement Program Planning; Rail-Highway Grade Crossing Program; Safe Routes to School Program; Route 66, Jumping Brook Road to Bowne Road/Wayside Road; Route 46, Pequannock Street to CR 513 (West Main Street); and Route 28, Route 287 to County Route 525 (Thompson Avenue). Approximate investments in safety (in millions) are listed in Figure 4

Figure 4: Safety

FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027
$191 $151 $202 $207

The investments displayed in Figure 5 represent Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and HSIP Vulnerable Road User Safety fund investments (in millions).

Figure 5: HSIP + HSIP Vulnerable Road User

FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027
$75 $77 $78 $80

The NJDOT plans to invest in bridge assets identified in the TAMP to make progress toward achieving the performance targets that have been set. Total investment in bridge assets include programs and projects such as the Bridge Deck/Superstructure Replacement Program; Bridge Preventative Maintenance; Culverts Replacement Program; Bridge Maintenance Scour Countermeasures; Delaware and Raritan Canal Bridges; Route 1, NB Bridge over Raritan River; Route 71, Bridge over NJ Transit; and Route 50, Bridge over Cedar Swamp Creek. Investments in bridge assets include funds provided from the IIJA Bridge Formula Program (BFP). More information regarding BFP can be found BFP - Funding Programs - Management and Preservation - Bridges & Structures - Federal Highway Administration ( Approximate investments in bridge assets (in millions) are listed in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Bridge Assets

FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027
$762 $1,266 $905 $579

TThe NJDOT plans to invest in road assets identified in the TAMP to make progress toward achieving the performance targets that have been set. Total investment in road assets include programs and projects such as Pavement Preservation; Resurfacing Program; Guiderail Upgrades; Route 47, Grove St. to Route 130, Pavement; Route 40, Hamilton Common Drive to West End Avenue (CR 629); and Route 287, Route 202 to Ramapo River. Approximate investments in road assets (in millions) are listed in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Road Assets

FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027
$577 $468 $377 $471

The NJDOT plans to invest in system performance (mobility and congestion relief) to make progress toward achieving the performance targets that have been set. Total investment in mobility and system performance includes programs and projects such as Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems; Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program; Statewide Traffic Operations and Support Program; Route 73, Church Road (CR 616) and Fellowship Road (CR 673) Intersections; and Route 295/42/I-76 Direct Connection, Contract 4. Approximate investments in system performance (in millions) are listed in Figure 8.

Figure 8: System Performance

FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027
$235 $283 $440 $509

In the short term, the NJDOT will monitor progress toward achievement of the two- and four- year performance targets to assess how well the STIP is implementing the TAMP. The information compiled through each year’s review of investment information to support the annual consistency determination will demonstrate how the NJDOT is implementing the TAMP. With this information, the NJDOT will determine whether adjustments to planned investments in the STIP will be needed to implement the TAMP.

c. Public Participation Process Back to Top

New Jersey is completely covered by its three MPOs: the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC); the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO); and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA). This STIP incorporates their three separate TIPs without modification.

Each MPO has a public participation process for their Regional Transportation Plan, TIP, and conformity determination. The state makes the STIP available at each MPO public meeting, and representatives from the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT are present to answer questions and concerns raised by the public about the programs. The duration of the public comment period for each TIP and the STIP is 30 days. MPOs collect public comments on behalf of the state, and responses are prepared collaboratively.

d. Environmental Justice, Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990/ Section 504 Back to Top

To ensure and enhance equity in the delivery of projects, programs, and services, Title VI Nondiscrimination strategies are incorporated throughout the NJDOT planning and funding processes. To further assure public awareness, inclusion, and meaningful access to services and activities, these nondiscrimination practices involve the application of Americans with Disabilities Act/ Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Environmental Justices, and Limited English Proficiency initiatives.

Equity will be achieved by creating transportation decisions that meet the needs of all people, addressing underserved populations and designing facilities to fit more harmoniously into these communities, measuring equity by improving data collection, monitoring, and analyses, avoiding disproportionately high and adverse impacts on disadvantaged groups, and identifying and addressing concerns early and often in the planning and project development process.

TTelecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is available for anyone with hearing and speech disability/ impairments. This includes Text, Telephone, Hearing Carry-Over, American Standard Code for Information, Interchange, Voice Carry-Over, Speech to Speech, and Tele-Braille.

e. Statewide Transportation Plan Back to Top

The federal statewide planning rule requires that the STIP contain projects consistent with the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (SLRTP), Transportation Choices 2030. The SLRTP is a comprehensive plan developed by NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT that includes goals, policies, strategies, and actions providing strategic direction in the formulation of the STIP and guide investment prioritization for New Jersey’s transportation system.  The projects and programs in this STIP are consistent with New Jersey’s LRTP, Transportation Choices 2030. The SLRTP can be found at New Jersey Long Range Transportation Plan Overview - In the Works (

f. Conformity for MPO Plans and Programs Back to Top

The MPO Regional Transportation Plans are subject to conformity analysis in order to demonstrate that each plan conforms to the State Implementation Plan (SIP). Each MPO TIP must be consistent with their conforming plan, such that the regional emission analysis performed on the plan applies to their TIP. This determination means that the implementation of projects and programs in the MPO TIPs will have a positive impact, in the aggregate, on air quality. Since the STIP contains the three MPO TIPs without modification, the implementation of the STIP conforms to the regional transportation plans and will also have a positive impact on air quality.

f. Congestion Management Process Back to Top

All projects in this STIP that will result in a significant increase in carrying capacity for single occupant vehicles are supported by a fully operational congestion management process, in place at each MPO.

h. Development of the STIP Back to Top

This STIP is the product of months of staff work, and deliberations, involving the NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, county and municipal transportation planners and engineers, other transportation providing agencies, the public, and elected officials at the state, county, and municipal levels. The main decision-making forums for selecting projects for this program were the state’s three MPOs:

  • NJTPA, covering Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren counties;
  • DVRPC, covering Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer counties;
  • SJTPO, covering Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem counties.

The process of building this STIP began in the fall of 2022, with intensive staff work by the NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, and the MPOs.
All projects that were identified as potential candidates for inclusion in the regional TIPs of each of the three MPOs were subjected to rigorous screening to verify project scope, status, schedule, and cost. The resulting pool of projects was analyzed independently by the NJDOT and the MPOs. Each project was then assigned a priority-ranking based on the extent to which it would advance identified regional and statewide objectives. Such objectives are set forth in the STIP, the SLRTP, the three MPO Regional Transportation Plans, and air quality objectives. The NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT developed and circulated revenue projections, for planning purposes, to each of the MPOs based on the best current assessment of available state, federal, and other funds. The NJDOT and each of the three MPOs entered intensive discussions to negotiate a list of deliverable transportation projects that best fit the composite statewide and regional priorities within a financially constrained program. These negotiated project lists were used as the basis for publishing the Transportation Capital Program Fiscal Year 2024 by the NJDOT in June 2023 and for preparing TIPs for further analysis by each of the MPOs. Projects in the STIP and three MPO’s TIPs are consistent with the three MPO Regional Transportation Plans.

i. STIP Modifications and Amendments Back to Top

The STIP may be modified or amended according to the procedures set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for TIP/STIP changes among the three MPOs, NJDOT, and NJ TRANSIT. The MOU was fully executed in October 2012. STIP changes, once approved by the MPOs in concert with either NJDOT or NJ TRANSIT, are forwarded to the FHWA and/or the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for approval. The modified and amended STIP is available for viewing through the eSTIP application, which is available on the NJDOT website at Annual Transportation Capital Program Overview - Capital Program (

i. Financial Plan Back to Top

Federal law and regulations require that the STIP be fiscally constrained for the first four years whereas, planned federal aid expenditures cannot exceed projected revenues. The major sources of funding identified in this document are the FHWA, the FTA, and the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF). The NJDOT and its transportation planning partners (NJ TRANSIT, NJTPA, DVRPC, SJTPO, FHWA, and FTA) have developed an estimate of $18,409.07 million in available state, federal and other revenues to support the state’s transportation budget during the four fiscal years from 2024 through 2027. (For planning purposes, state revenues are estimated based on state fiscal years, which begin on July 1, and federal revenues are estimated for federal fiscal years, which begin on October 1.)

In addition, the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT have incorporated an additional six (6) years of constrained resources into the 10-year STIP. The 10-year total is estimated to be $45,491.74 million. This amount constitutes the funding expected to be available to support FY 2024 - FY 2033 STIP. These revenue estimates were developed cooperatively by the NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, and New Jersey’s three MPOs, in full consultation with the FHWA and the FTA, at a meeting held on January 11, 2023.

Tables 1 through 5 in Section 2 of the STIP list these amounts by year and by funding category and compares them to the actual amounts programmed in the TIPs and STIP. Following are the revenue assumptions used in developing these tables.

  1. Dollar amounts shown in federal funding categories are based, except as otherwise noted below, on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. No. 117-58) federal-aid apportionment tables, or equivalent data, obtained from the FHWA, the FTA, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), as appropriate.
  2. NJDOT’s Cost Estimating Guideline (February 2019) provides the methodology for developing, documenting, and reviewing construction cost estimates throughout the project development process. Various cost estimating methods are used including historical bid-based estimating, historical percentages estimating, conceptual estimating, cost-based (Scratch) estimating, risk-based estimating, similar project estimating, and cost-based estimating. All NJDOT projects are to include inflation when providing future year construction cost estimates at 3 percent. The NJDOT uses AASHTOWare Project software for preparing construction cost estimates to produce more accurate and consistent estimates during the Final Design phase.
  3. Funds in the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) and Transportation Alternatives program (TA) categories are broken down into the allocations and minimums required by federal law.
  4. “High Priority” funds and “demo” funds are shown only as authorized by federal legislation. These Congressional earmark projects are shown with the fund type “DEMO” in the STIP.
  5. The state will provide $2,000 million in FY 2024 and FY 2025 to support the capital program. For programming purposes, it is assumed that the NJDOT’s share of state funds, or TTF, is $1,240.0 million in FY 2024 and $1,233.0 million in FY 2025. NJ TRANSIT’s share of the TTF is $760.0 million in FY 2024 and $767.0 million in FY 2025.
  6. The following transfers are programmed between the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT:
    1. For FYs 2024-2027, $75 million of FHWA Congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ) funds are to be transferred annually for use by NJ TRANSIT.

Because New Jersey is classified as a “non-attainment” area regarding air quality, certain project funding must meet a federal standard of “available or committed” revenue in FY 2024 and FY 2025 to be considered fiscally constrained. Such projects are those which are funded with federal resources, while all others are “projects of regional significance” regardless of funding source. All federal funds in FY 2024 and FY 2025 are based on the current federal-aid apportionment tables’ allocations or equivalent data obtained from the FHWA, the FTA, and the FAA, as appropriate, and are therefore considered available. All TTF funding for FY 2024 was appropriated July 1, 2023. Sufficient funds are available or committed to cover funding of projects and programs in the FY 2024 - FY 2025 period. New Jersey’s transportation authorities also use their own revenues to fund various projects classified as “projects of regional significance.” These projects are listed in Section VIII. In addition, the state of New Jersey has made a significant commitment to public transportation through continued operating support from the state’s General Fund.

With two notable exceptions, federal and state funds are not “allocated” to—that is, required to be spent within the boundaries of—the state’s three MPOs. The first exception is for Trust Fund state-aid funds, which are allocated on a county-by-county basis under a statutory and regulatory formula. The second exception is for federal funds which are required under a formula in federal regulations to be allocated to specific geographic areas. These allocated funds are shown in the following tables as:

  • “STBGP-AC”
  • “TA-PHILA”, “TA-TRENTON”, and
  • “TA-AC”

The actual budgeting of federal and state funds for projects within the MPO areas is a product of the development of the three regional TIPs, the STIP, and legislative approval of the annual Transportation Capital Program. On a statewide basis, the cost of projects programmed for a particular fiscal year must equal the planned resources for that year. Each project must also be assigned to a funding category that is appropriate for the project and for which adequate funding is available. From year to year there may be significant variations in the amount of funds programmed within an MPO area, as needs and specific project implementation schedules dictate. These programming decisions are made on a cooperative basis with the participation of the NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, local government representatives, other agencies (all of whom are members of the MPOs), the State Legislature, citizens’ groups, and the general public.

For the purpose of defining a project line item estimate in the STIP, each item includes an estimate of independent contractor costs to produce the project, an estimate of implementing agency costs anticipated in support of the development and delivery of the project, and any payments to third parties regarding matters of right-of-way and utility relocations. The implementing agency costs include activities such as: inspection, testing, equipment, and salary costs.

The current STIP and Capital Program provide funding for the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT employee salaries, leave and fringe benefits, overhead, and other administrative costs which benefit the development and delivery of their transportation programs. This funding is provided from both federal-aid and state TTF sources, and these funds are allocated for multi-year and previously authorized project costs. Federal-aid in support of employee and administrative costs is programmed on an individual project basis. TTF funding is programmed as a single item under the heading “Program Implementation Costs, NJDOT”. For NJ TRANSIT, TTF funding is allocated to specific programs.

Table 6 shows the overall distribution of funds within the STIP, by MPO. Tables 7 through 10 provide detailed breakdowns of expenditures, by funding category, for each of the three MPOs, and for statewide programs.

k. Advance Construction Projects Back to Top
Advance Construction (AC) is a procedure to advance a federally funded project phase into the current fiscal year and implement that phase with non- federal funds. The use of AC is subject to the availability of non-federal funds (e.g., state funds) in the year in which the project is to be implemented and the availability of federal funds in the year in which the AC project is to be converted to a regular federal-aid project. AC projects are to be listed individually in the TIPs and STIP in both the year that the project is to be implemented and the year in which the conversion is to take place. Appropriate notification will be provided in the TIPs and STIP so it is clearly understood that these “other funds” are available and that future federal funds may be committed to these AC projects. Fiscal constraint must be maintained throughout this process for both the implementing and conversion years. The MPOs and the state agree that the inclusion of an AC project in the TIP/STIP, in the year the project is to be implemented, signifies that the project can be converted to federal funding when federal funds become available, and the decision is made to convert.

l. Multi-Year Funding Back to Top

Multi-year funding is an innovative financing technique to program and authorize only that portion of a given project phase necessary to support reimbursement of planned cash outlays for a given year. Remaining portions of the project phase are programmed in subsequent years. In the first fiscal year of funding for a multi-year funded phase of work, the NJDOT will only seek federal authorization for that portion of the federal funds shown in that fiscal year in the STIP. The remaining balance of funds for that particular phase of work, will appear in the STIP in the fiscal year that the NJDOT intends to request federal authorization for the remaining funds needed for continuation/completion of the phase/project. Each multi-year federally funded project will be submitted to the FHWA with the condition that authorization to proceed is not a commitment or obligation to provide federal funds for that portion of the undertaking not fully funded herein. Fiscal constraint will be maintained at all times throughout this process.

In the event that sufficient federal funding is not available in any fiscal year to complete a multi- year funded phase of work, the NJDOT will take full responsibility to fund that portion of the phase of work, in accordance with applicable federal and New Jersey State law. In the event that state or other funding would not be available to complete a project, the project may be terminated or placed on hold until such time as funding is made available. In such cases, the NJDOT would need to comply with applicable federal and New Jersey state law, including, where applicable, providing a revised air quality conformity determination to the FHWA/FTA and reimbursing the FHWA/FTA for any federal funds expended on the project.

Table 11 shows current and future fiscal year funding needed to complete multi-year federally funded highway projects. Table 11 contains NJDOT-led construction projects, ranging from $112.5 million to $953.5 million in value. The federal multi-year construction level peaks in FY 2033 with $578 million of payments due. Table 12 shows current and future fiscal year funding needed to complete multi-year state funded highway projects. The individual project pages in the STIP contain specific information for these projects, including a detailed project description, project funding source and a total estimated project cost. Table 13 shows current and future fiscal year funding and the estimated total funding needed to complete federal equipment lease payments for transit projects.

m. Non-Federal Match – Toll Credit Back to Top

Toll Credits were created in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), and are to be used as credits toward the non-federal matching share of programs authorized by Title 23 (except for the emergency relief program) and for transit programs authorized by Chapter 53 of Title 49.

The amount of credit earned is based on revenues generated by the toll authority (i.e., toll receipts, concession sales, right-of-way leases or interest), including borrowed funds (i.e., bonds, loans) supported by this revenue stream, that are used by the toll authority to build, improve or maintain highways, bridges and/or tunnels that serve interstate commerce. The federal government has allowed state and local governments to use toll credits as part of the local matching funds regarding transit grants. This allowance results from the recognition that different modes of transportation are interconnected. For example, capital expenditures to reduce congestion in a particular corridor benefit all modes of transportation in that corridor, be it automobiles, transit buses, or a rail system.

New Jersey estimates that it will begin federal FY 2024 with a balance of $7,118 million in available toll credits. Both the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT use approximately $350 million in toll credits each year and earn $800 million in additional toll credits annually. By the end of federal FY 2027, an estimated balance $8,918 million in toll credits is expected to be available. Figure 9 illustrates toll credit availability for soft match for fiscal years 2024 through 2027.

Figure 9:

Toll Credits Availability for Soft Match* ($ in millions)
  FFY 2024 FFY 2025 FFY 2026 FFY 2027
Toll Credit Starting Balance $7,118 $7,568 $8,018 $8,468
New Toll Credits Earned $800 $800 $800 $800
Toll Credits Used for Soft Match ($350) ($350) ($350) ($350)
Toll Credit Ending Balance $7,568 $8,018 $8,468 $8,918
* Projected amounts for the NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT, assuming federal apportionments remain flat and requests for new toll credits remain steady.

With the assumption that federal fund apportionments will continue to remain flat and a steady or increasing request for additional credits will continue, there is an expectation for the available balance of toll credits to accrue over the next 10 years. With new credits outpacing usage, New Jersey expects to have sufficient toll credits to continue to utilize the soft match of federal funds over the entire 10-year plan.

n. Maintaining the Federal Aid Highway System Back to Top

The FHWA and the FTA expect states to adequately maintain facilities on the designated federal- aid system. In New Jersey, the federal-aid system includes transportation facilities under the jurisdiction of many agencies, including the NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, counties, certain municipalities, and authorities. Federal law enacted on July 6, 2012, in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21rst Century Act (MAP-21) subsequently amended by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) enacted on December 4, 2015, and most recently amended by the IIJA (Public Law 117-58) on November 15,2021, requires a performance-based approach to the management of federal highway programs. MAP-21, FAST Act, and IIJA focus on national transportation goals, increasing transparency and accountability for federal highway programs, and improving transportation investment decision making.

 The NJDOT inspects all bridges in New Jersey over 20 feet in length every two years. Standards for measuring the condition of bridges have been established nationally, and the program carried out by the NJDOT provides a very good assessment of the health of all the state’s bridges greater than twenty-feet long, regardless of owner. Under current legislation, it is expected that states will be charged with meeting or making progress toward a minimum performance level of 90% sufficiency for bridges on the National Highway System (NHS). Bridges on the NHS include NJDOT owned bridges and bridges owned by counties and other jurisdictions.

There are 6,787 highway carrying bridges over 20 feet long in the state. The NJDOT, county, and municipal governments own the largest portion of this population, followed by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) and NJ TRANSIT. Statewide, there are 439, or 6.47%, “structurally deficient” or “poor” bridges, with the remaining 93.53% of bridges classified as “structurally acceptable” or “good or fair” condition. It is important to note that a “structurally deficient” bridge does not equate to an unsafe bridge. If any bridge were deemed unsafe, the state would take immediate action to bring the bridge to a safe condition or close the bridge to traffic. Additional information regarding bridge condition can be found at 2022TAMPFactSheets.pdf (

Annual average investments of nearly $900 million over the next four years are planned for bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects. This work includes, but is not limited to, re-decking, seismic retrofitting, security measures, cleaning and repainting of structural steel, substructure repairs, and other improvements. Additionally, preservation and maintenance funding will be provided for bridge repairs.

Performance at this investment level is expected to reduce the growth rate of the structural deterioration backlog and maintain the present system condition level. Capital maintenance investments are also designated to improve the structural integrity of state- owned bridge assets.
The 2022 state’s road network consists of approximately 38,781 centerline miles of pavement. The NJDOT, the NJTA, and the SJTA maintain approximately 2,707 centerline miles, with the remaining pavement under the responsibility of counties, municipalities, and other jurisdictions. Pavement system assets are placed into sub classes defined by the condition levels of “Good,” “Fair,” and “Deficient (Poor).” Approximately 81% of the NJDOT’s, the NJTA’s, and the SJTA’s pavement lane miles are in an acceptable condition (Good and Fair). The NJDOT maintains 8,560 State Highway System Lane Miles, of which 7,542 are also National Highway System (NHS) miles. Of the 8,560 total lane miles maintained by NJDOT, 6,754 or 78.9% are in acceptable condition (Good or Fair). More information regarding NJDOT pavement can be found at 2022TAMPFactSheets.pdf (

County-owned roads make up a large portion of the federal-aid system (47%). Each county is responsible for managing its own network of roads, which include facilities both on and off the federal-aid system, and each county may have its own way to measure performance and set condition targets. A similar situation applies to the toll facilities.
Annual average investments of nearly $475 million over the next four years are planned for improvements to the state’s roadway network. This work includes, but is not limited to, pavement resurfacing, reconstruction, and preservation treatments.

Bridges and pavements make up the largest investment on the federal-aid system, but it is important to recognize that there are other assets that need to be maintained, such as signing, lighting, guiderail, and other roadway appurtenances. These assets are in a very good state of repair, and the NJDOT does not expect them to degrade significantly over the next 10 years. The NJDOT makes a concerted effort to address any items that are in a state of disrepair as quickly as possible.

o. Maintaining the Transit System Back to Top

Transit Asset Management (TAM) is the strategic and systemic practice of procuring, operating, inspecting, maintaining, rehabilitating, and replacing transit capital assets to manage their performance, risks, and costs over their life cycles to provide safe, cost-effective, and reliable public transportation. TAM uses transit asset condition to guide how to manage capital assets and prioritize funding to improve or maintain a State of Good Repair.

In 2018, the New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT) developed its initial TAM Plan; with an update approved in the Fall of 2022. The update describes the NJ TRANSIT asset base and management strategy and provides the approach to enhance existing asset management practices within each service area: Commuter Rail, Light Rail, Bus, and Corporate.

Projects and programs funded in the FY 2024 - FY 2027 STIP were informed by and adhere to NJ TRANSIT’s strategic goals as described in the TAM Plan; with each supporting at least one of the following performance indicators: State of Good Repair; Customer Experience; Safety; Resiliency; and Business Performance.

Capital projects are prioritized using specific criteria, such as State of Good Repair, Service Reliability, and Intermodal Integration and System Connectivity, among others. Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility is another of the criteria used to score projects, based on benefits to persons with limited access to automobilities, bicyclists/pedestrians, low-income populations, and people with disabilities.

Capital projects and programs are divided in three types: 1) Major Projects and Programs 2) Rehabilitation Projects and Programs, and 3) Other Existing NJ TRANSIT Program Items. These three types are further broken down by project category.

Commuter Rail Service standards for NJ TRANSIT commuter rail service are set for vehicle load, vehicle headways, on-time performance, and service availability, which defines how service is distributed across the system and ensures that the manner of the distribution affords users access to these assets.

The service standard for vehicle load is measured in passengers relative to the seated capacity of each vehicle. This value is set to slightly less than 100 percent, or full capacity, because of the tendency of riders to avoid middle seats and bunch within cars and at doors closest to their eventual destination. The standards are 92 percent of seated capacity for single level trains and 95 percent of seated capacity for double-level trains.

The frequency of service is measured in terms of vehicle headway, i.e., the interval of time between trains, and is driven by passenger demand at each station. On-time performance (OTP) for the commuter rail system is defined as arrival at the train’s revenue destination within 6 minutes of the scheduled time. A specific goal is developed annually for each division, with a systemwide goal of approximately 94.7 percent for commuter rail.The service availability standard requires 80 percent of all residents in the service area to be located within one mile of rail service.

NJ TRANSIT’s annual average funding of $383.5 million, or a total of $1.535 billion, over the next four years to Commuter Rail Facilities, Infrastructure, Rolling Stock and Equipment projects. Performance at this funding level is expected to help bring NJ TRANSIT assets to a level of a State of Good Repair.

Light Rail and Bus NJ TRANSIT light rail is managed by Surface Transit – Light Rail. The light rail network includes three separate lines: the Newark Light Rail operated and maintained by NJ TRANSIT, and the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail and River Line. With funding at $93 million over the next four years for Light Rail and $770.6 million to Bus categories, NJ TRANSIT expects that this funding will help bring Light Rail and Bus assets to a level of a State of Good Repair.

The amounts in the NJ TRANSIT TAM Table below reflect programed funding for FY24-FY27 related to the TAM Plan only and does not include the total amount of programmed resources shown in the Financial Section of this document.

Project Category
(Cost in millions)
FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 Total
Commuter Rail $426.99 $380.63 $354.72 $371.72 $1,534.05
Facilities $29.05 $7.50 $3.50 $3.50 $43.55
Infrastructure $155.95 $90.92 $98.51 $115.51 $460.89
Rolling Stock $242.00 $257.60 $252.71 $252.71 $1,005.01
Equipment $0.00 $24.61 $0.00 $0.00 $24.61
Light Rail $23.28 $23.28 $23.28 $23.28 $93.10
Facilities $0.68 $0.68 $0.68 $0.68 $2.70
Infrastructure $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $68.00
Rolling Stock $5.60 $5.60 $5.60 $5.60 $22.40
Bus $207.66 $189.35 $186.99 $186.60 $770.61
Facilities $29.78 $11.07 $8.30 $7.30 $56.45
Rolling Stock $177.88 $178.28 $178.69 $179.30 $714.15
Total($M) $657.93 $593.25 $564.98 $581.59 $2,397.75
p. How to use this document Back to Top

The individual descriptions, found in Sections III through VII, provide detailed information for each project or program in the 10-year plan. The top portion for each project/program lists the project/program name (route and section) and the location of the project/program. The Project ID reference number is assigned at project inception and remains with that project until its completion. These are the same reference numbers used by the MPOs in their TIPs. Specific information contained within the detailed project/program description includes county, municipality, MPO jurisdiction, mileposts (for state highway projects), structure number (for bridge projects), project sponsor, asset management category, air quality code used in the conformity determination process, and financial plan requirement. An explanation of the asset management categories and air quality codes can be found in the Glossary, located in Section XIII of this document. The anticipated funding schedule for each project/program is displayed in the columns at the bottom of each project page. The phases of work and types of funds are further defined in the Glossary. See Figure 10 on the following page.

Figure 10:
Sources of Funds image
  1. Project Name (Route and Section).  
  2. Unique Project Code, assigned at inception.
  3. Detailed project description.
  4. County(ies) where project is located.
  5. Municipality(ies) where project is located.
  6. Mileposts, indicate project limits on State and County roadways.
  7. Financial Plan Requirement, annual plan required for federally funded projects with a total cost between $100 and $500 million.
  8. Air Quality Code, alphanumeric coding scheme developed for projects and programs which is applied by the MPOs as part of the conformity determination and exempt eligibility identification.  See Glossary for more details.
  9. Asset Management Category, classification of the project according to the type of work to be done.  See Glossary for more details.
  10. Legislative District, assigned based on project location.
  11. Sponsor, organization sponsoring the project.
  12. Structure Number, Unique number assigned to a bridge.
  13. MPO, Metropolitan Planning Organization(s) which serve as the forum for cooperative transportation decision making for metropolitan planning areas as required by federal regulations.  There are three MPOs in New Jersey: DVRPC, NJTPA, and SJTPO.
  14. Phase of Work, classification which indicates the stage of development of a project as it moves through the project delivery process.  See Glossary for more details.
  15. Fund, funding categories, assigned depending on the type of work.  See glossary for more details.
  16. Fiscal Year, planned spending (in millions) per fiscal year, phase, and fund source.

Last updated date: January 23, 2024 9:03 AM