Department of Transportation


Speed Humps
The New Jersey Legislature has adopted a new law regarding speed humps. This law applies only to municipal roads.
NJDOT has adopted the engineering practices recommended for speed humps by ITE as the applicable design standard and practice for speed humps on municipal roads. Transportation engineers should refer to the relevant ITE document for guidance.

Chapter 110
AN ACT concerning speed humps on certain streets and roads and supplementing Title 39 of the Revised Statutes.

BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
    C.39:4-8.9 Definitions relative to speed humps.

  1. As used in this act:

  2. "Department" means the Department of Transportation.

    "Private roads" means semipublic or private roads, streets, driveways, parkways, parking areas, or other roadways owned by a private person, corporation or institution open to or used by the public for the purposes of vehicular travel by permission of such persons, corporations or institutions and not as a matter of public right.

    "Speed hump" means one of several traffic calming measures which use forces of vertical acceleration to discourage speeding. For purposes of this chapter, speed humps means all vertical speed deflectors, including but not limited to, speed tables, raised crosswalks, raised intersections, and modified speed humps.

    "Vertical speed deflector" means a raised area in the roadway pavement surface extending transversely across the travel way.

    L.2004, c.107, s.1; amended 2008, c.110, s.4.

    C.39:4-8.9 Construction of speed humps, traffic calming measures by municipality, county.

  3. a. Pursuant to the provisions of section 3 of P.L.2004, c.107 (C.39:4-8.11), a municipality or county may, without the approval of the commissioner, construct a speed hump on two-lane residential streets and on one-way residential streets under municipal or county jurisdiction with a posted speed of 30 mph or less and which have fewer than 3,000 vehicles per day. The board of directors of any corporation, or the board of trustees of any corporation or other institution of a public or semipublic nature not for pecuniary profit, having control over private roads, may construct or provide for the construction of a speed hump on any private road subject to the provisions of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes, pursuant to P.L.1945, c.284 (C.39:5A-1 et seq.).

    b. Pursuant to the provisions of section 3 of P.L.2004, c.107 (C.39:4-8.11), a municipality or county may, without the approval of the commissioner, construct traffic calming measures where appropriate, which may include, but are not limited to, speed humps on streets under municipal or county jurisdiction with a posted speed of 30 mph or less and which have fewer than 3,000 vehicles per day when any road construction project or repair of a street set forth in this subsection is undertaken and located within 500 feet of that street is a school or any property used for school purposes.

    c. Prior to a municipality or county constructing a speed hump which places any impact on roadways in an adjoining municipality or county, the governing board or body of the municipality or county shall provide appropriate notice to the adjoining municipality or county.

    d. Prior to a municipality or county constructing a speed hump which places any impact on a State roadway, the county or municipality shall obtain the approval of the commissioner.

    L.2004, c.107, s.2; amended 2005, c.221; 2008, c.110, s.5.

    C.39:4-8.11 Conformance of speed humps to DOT standards.

  4. Any speed hump constructed by a municipality or a board of directors or trustees shall conform in design and construction to the technical standards established by the Department of Transportation.

    A municipality or board shall provide advance warning, including but not limited to, the erection of appropriate signs giving notice of the presence of speed humps before the first speed hump in a series of speed humps and provide for a pavement marker to be placed at the location of the first speed hump. The signing and pavement markings for a speed hump shall conform to the current standards prescribed in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways as adopted by the Commissioner of Transportation.


Last updated date: January 14, 2020 12:15 PM