Department of Transportation


The Pavement & Drainage Management and Technology Unit manages pavement and drainage assets for roadways owned and maintained by NJDOT (the state highway system). This system includes approximately 4,665 lineal miles (sum of both travel directions) of mainline pavement, which equates to 8410 lane miles.

The Pavement Management Group collects detailed pavement condition data, manages database systems to store and retrieve this information, analyzes pavement data to assess system conditions and to identify areas needing treatment, and supplies information used to drive the Department’s capital pavement program. In this process, the Pavement Management System identifies current needs, formulates yearly pavement treatment programs, and forecasts future pavement system performance under various funding scenarios in support of the Capital Investment Strategy. Thus, the Pavement Management System is used to identify funding needs and to plan how to utilize available funding effectively.

The Drainage Management Group centralizes drainage related problem reporting, tracking, and remediation plans. In this effort, the Drainage Management System is used to evaluate and track drainage related complaints and problem statements and plan effectively for drainage problem remediation.

The Pavement Technology Group provides pavement design recommendations for all in-house design projects, reviews and approves pavement designs for consultant design projects, and develops specifications and requirements controlling pavement ride quality construction acceptance testing.

New Jersey Pavement Data Quality Management Programs

Last updated date: December 16, 2019 3:39 PM