Department of Transportation


New Jersey, at the center of trade, has always been a leader in providing the transportation infrastructure necessary to keep the economy on the move. Besides being at the crossroads of the domestic freight movement, New Jersey is the East Coast’s leading gateway for global commerce -- its front door to the world.

Large trucks play a major role in the New Jersey economy, a part of the larger freight industry that includes air and water, rail, pipeline and their combinations. Terminals and warehousing centers connect these systems to deliver goods and also jobs. Of the more than 600 million tons of goods moved each year, 75 percent move by truck.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) strives to balance the needs of communities and motorists with those of the trucking and the freight industry. NJDOT has a role in safety initiatives and regulations applicable to the trucking industry.

A highly regulated industry, federal, state and local truck rules govern operations. For those who currently own or operate trucks, or those who are about to begin a career as a driver or trucking business owner in New Jersey, familiarity with commercial driver licensing and truck operations requirements should clarify the rules and regulations.

Last updated date: January 11, 2021 1:24 PM