Department of Transportation

Eligibility Criteria

Each business must meet the requirements for its particular type of facility listed below. New Jersey Logos, L.L.C. will determine if all eligibility criteria are met after submission of an application. There is no application charge.

Gas facilities shall:
  • Be within three miles of the highway
  • Operate at least 16 hours per day, 7 days per week, 360 days per year
  • Have licenses from all appropriate authorities
  • Provide vehicle services including gas, fuel and oil for cars, trucks and other vehicles
  • Provide public restroom facilities
  • Provide a public telephone
Food facilities shall:
  • Be within three miles of the highway
  • Operate continuously for 12 hours per day, six days per week, 360 days per year
  • Have licenses from all appropriate authorities
  • Have permits from all appropriate health departments
  • Provide restroom facilities
  • Provide a public telephone
Camping facilities shall:
  • Be within seven miles of the highway
  • Operate all year
  • Have licensing by all appropriate authorities
  • Have permits from all appropriate health departments
  • Provide restroom and shower facilities
  • Provide drinking water
  • Provide a public telephone
Attractions shall:
  • Be within seven miles of the highway
  • Have regional significance, and include only facilities which have the primary purpose of providing amusement, historical, cultural or leisure activities
  • Provide a minimum of 5,000 dedicated parking spaces
  • Provide public restrooms
  • Provide drinking water
  • Provide a public telephone

Last updated date: November 1, 2019 11:07 AM