Department of Transportation

Project-Level Risk-Based Stewardship and Oversight

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is responsible for the administration of the Federal-aid Highway Program (FAHP) under Title 23, USC and associated laws, such as Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). MAP-21 builds on the foundation of the previous bills supplying the funds and refining the programmatic framework for investments needed to maintain and grow our vital transportation infrastructure. MAP-21 introduced a Transportation Performance Management requirement and further flexibilities in managing the FAHP. These laws allow States to assume delegated responsibilities for FHWA in certain National Environmental Policy Act approvals and in the design and construction of some Federal-aid projects.

As a result of the legislation, the FHWA and the NJDOT are required to enter into a Stewardship Agreement regarding the level of responsibility under Title 23, USC. The FHWA must comply with laws and regulations, and also is responsible for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation systems.

In 2013, in response to MAP-21 requirements and findings of recent audits, FHWA implemented a more systematic Stewardship and Oversight approach for fulfilling its responsibilities in delivery of the FAHP. This approach is intended to be more risk-based, driven by objective data, more consistent from state to state, and to improve the FHWA’s ability to add value to projects and programs. The new process is Risk-Based Project Stewardship and Oversight (RBSO). The goal of risk-based project stewardship and oversight is to optimize the successful delivery of projects and assure compliance with federal requirements.

Part of the stewardship effort includes FHWA project-level oversight. The FHWA utilizes the “Risk-based Project Involvement Identification process” (pdf 175k)to assist in the identification, determination and oversight of projects. When identified, those PoDIs and their corresponding Individual Project Oversight Plan (IPOP) will be added to the list below: For questions or comments contact the Program Management Office (PMO).

Last updated date: December 7, 2023 10:01 AM