Department of Transportation


Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
NJDOT has completed a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. The Plan's mission is to reduce the incidence of pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries in New Jersey by 20% in five years. Approximately 140 pedestrians are killed each year and another 270 are severely injured in crashes with motor vehicles. The Pedestrian Safety Action Plan is organized around three goals which describe specific actions to improve pedestrian safety and takes a data driven approach and analysis of crashes and trends that include frequency, severity, location, demographics and behavioral factors. While the plan cannot eliminate the exposure of pedestrians to automobiles in such a densely populated and auto centric state, a strategic and coordinated effort can reshape both behavior and the physical environment with a positive outcome.

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (pdf 3.3m)
Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Toolbox (pdf 3.4m)

NJ Bikes and Walks Newsletter
The New Jersey Walks and Bikes newsletter is for anyone interested in bicycle and pedestrian issues.

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Complete Streets in New Jersey
The Complete Streets movement has been gaining momentum in both New Jersey and the nation over the past years as policymakers begin to realize the importance of sustainable transportation and livable communities.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has adopted a Complete Streets policy what will help ensure that all new and retrofit transportation projects will be planned to accommodate the needs of roadway users of all ages and abilities.

Decisions that affect the design of our streets and communities are made at all levels of government. To encourage the adoption of Complete Streets policies by county and local governments, NJDOT along with the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center at Rutgers, and with funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will be organizing a Complete Streets Summit to be held this fall.

Last updated date: October 14, 2020 3:51 PM