Department of Transportation

Safety Tips

  • Cross at corners and within marked crosswalks where available.
  • If crossing in other locations, yield the right of way to vehicles. Failure to obey the law carries a $54 fine (court costs additional; C.39:4-32, 33)
  • Look left, right and left again before crossing. Watch for turning cars.
  • Never cross between parked cars.
  • Walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk available, walk on the shoulder and/or as far to the right of the roadway as possible. Walk facing traffic if practicable.
  • Obey traffic signals, especially "Walk/Don't Walk" signals.
  • Remain alert! Don't assume that motorists are going to stop. Try to make eye contact with the driver to make sure they see you and avoid talking on a cell phone or wearing earphones when crossing the street.
  • Try to wear bright or reflective clothing or shoes when walking at night to make it easier for drivers to see you.
  • Stay sober. Walking while impaired greatly increases your chances of being struck. Try to take a cab or bus or use a designated driver to get home safely if you have been drinking.
  • Supervise and teach your children about safe walking. Remember that children under the age of nine often lack the judgment to make safe choices when dealing with traffic. Their size also makes them difficult for drivers to see.

On March 1st, 2022, the Safe Passing Law went into effect, which states that drivers are required to approach and pass vulnerable users, including pedestrians, with “due caution.” “Due caution” means both slowing down and giving pedestrians plenty of space when passing.

Ande Seguramente

  • Esté Alerta! Mire a ambos lados antes de cruzar.
  • Cuidada con los vehículos que giran en la esquina.
  • Utilice los pasos de peatones.
  • Haga contacto visual con el conductor para asegurarse de que le han visto.
  • Cuando no hay acera, camine en dirección contraria al tráfico para que pueda ver de frente a los vehículos.
  • Use siempre el paso de peatones donde los haya.
  • Respete las señales de tráfico.
  • Cuando no haya suficiente luz, asegúrese de que puede ser visto.

El primero de marzo de 2022, el Estado de New Jersey puso en vigencia la Ley del Rebase Seguro, la cual establece que los conductores están obligados a aproximarse y rebasar a usuarios vulnerables, incluyendo peatones, con la “debida precaución”. “Debida precaución” significa tanto reducir la velocidad como dejar espacio suficiente entre vehículo y usuario al rebasar.

Last updated date: October 20, 2023 8:09 AM