Here are some of the
ways you can obtain information
about this project:
- Web site
- Newsletters, mailings
for those who attended
public meetings
- Newspaper reports
Special educational materials
developed for this project
that have been presented
at meetings include:
- Computer graphics
and photo simulations
of proposed work
- Audio simulations
before and after noise
- Lighting simulations
Partnering meeting was
held in June
2001. Participants
included the New Jersey Department
of Transportation (NJDOT), the New
Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection (NJDEP), other government
agencies, local officials, utility companies, transit agencies
and chambers of commerce. They met
to improve communication, identify
special related needs and cost reductions.
Based on community input
received at the Partnering
Session - as well as
through responses to
written surveys, this
web site, and the project
information telephone
line - the following
areas of concern emerged:
planning for the effects
on local neighborhood
traffic patterns; designing
noise mitigation measures
that fit into the community
context; and keeping
the community informed
about potential residential
and business re-locations.
Liaison Committee
To develop specific
strategies to address
these concerns, NJDOT formed the Community
Liaison Committee (CLC),
consisting of the mayors and other
key officials from Clifton, Lyndhurst
and Rutherford; citizen representatives
from each of the three municipalities;
representatives of the Meadowlands
Chamber of Commerce, Meadowlink Commuter
Services agency, and NJ TRANSIT's
Bus Planning Division and leaders
of the NJDOT Project Team.